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词汇 hearsay rules
释义 hearsay rules
John H.Wigmore,The History of The Hearsay Rule,17 Harv.L Rev.,437,458.传闻排除规则.;又称反传闻规则、传闻法则、传闻规则等;本文依据行文的需要而使用上述称谓
In the 2003 Criminal Procedure Law amendment, medical literatures and CPGs are considered as exceptions ofhearsay rulesand can be used as evidence in the courts.而随著刑事诉讼结构引进了传闻法则及其例外的规定,将学术著作及论文认定为传闻证据的例外。
Background: While the medical society is promoting evidence-based medicine and trying to develop clinical practice guidelines , the legal society is introducing thehearsay rulesand the cross-examination system.研究背景:九十三度司法院开始设置医事专业法庭,在此同时也适逢刑事诉讼法改采当事人进行主义,而医界正积极推动实证医学,并且尝试以实证医学的方法来制定医疗行为准则。
The penman believes that in the common laws, the reason for the exclusion of hearsay at first is its potential untruth and uncertainty, and this is also the justice foundation ofhearsay rules.认为在普通法中,最初传闻证据被排除的原因是由于其潜在的不真实和不可靠,这也是传闻证据规则的正当性基础。
On the Rational Treatment of Hearsay Rule理性对待传闻规则
Comparison of Direct, oral Evidence Principle and Hearsay rule直接、言词原则与传闻证据规则之比较




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