

单词 Hearn
释义 Hearn 英hɜːn美hɝnAHDhûrn 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
赫恩Lafcadio,1850-1904,出生于爱尔兰的日本籍作家,即小泉八云 Koizumi Yakumo
“ I think what BPP is doing is very indicative of what is happening in the market and indicates the changing environment that universities are operating in,” said head of education Chris Hearn.
我想 BPP所做的标志着市场正发生的事情,并且表明大学运营环境的改变。 yeeyan

Anything't interest me, but can't forget her piano, and he and his name sergei hearn. I know it's unique comfort.
任何事情提不起我的兴味,却无法忘怀奥莉亚的琴声,还有拉赫玛尼诺夫的名字。我知道那是共同的抚慰。 yxad

Anything't interest me, but can't forget her piano, and he and his name sergei hearn.
任何事情提不起我的兴趣,却无法忘怀奥莉亚的琴声,还有拉赫玛尼诺夫的名字。 medical-ask

He had no objections to losing Hearn.
要把候恩调走,他本来也并无不可。 kuenglish

He would have an idea of what was happening to Hearn.
他对候恩的情况可以一目了然。 kuenglish

I hearn you are going to college.

Lieutenant Hearn fingered the magazine on his carbine.
候恩少尉用手摸了一下卡宾枪的弹盒。 kuenglish

Lieutenant Hearn stood for a time on the pilot's hatch at the stern staring down into the troop well.
候恩少尉在艇尾的驾驶舱内站了一阵,居高临下,呆呆地望着载兵舱里。 www.i21st.cn

Mr Thomson asked if Mr Daniels thought Peter could hearn the job reasonably quickly.
先生问丹尼尔斯先生是否认为彼特可以比较快地学会干这项工作。 www.netfm.com.cn

Put the talk on the intellectual frame, let Hearn slip into it.
把谈话套在学术性探讨的框子里,让候恩不知不觉上钩。 dict.v.wenguo.com

Snooker promoter Barry Hearn said Higgins would be remembered as the “ original people's champion” and the man who transformed the popularity of the sport.
斯诺克促进者巴里赫恩说希金斯将被作为“初代人民冠军”以及这项运动的促进者而被铭记。 yeeyan

Hearn fastened the vine about his belt, and stepped out into the rapids.
俟思把藤索在腰里系好,闯进激流。 bab

Hearn, who was handed control of World Snooker after a player vote in June, has helped to regenerate interest in the sport with the introduction of a number of new tournaments.
在六月份经选手投票产生的世界斯诺克协会掌权人赫恩,使这项运动重新吸引了人们的吸引力,他还推出了一系列新赛事。 yeeyan

Hearn pondered his responses, and lost himself quickly in the dizzying heights of chess.
候恩默默地思考着对策,很快就沉浸在奥妙无穷的棋局里。 bab

Hearn thinks the hunters probably use some of the trails the BBPP has cut over the years.
赫恩说他认为捕猎者可能正在使用 BBPP几年前切断的一条道路。 ng.trends.com.cn

Hearn was no ingenue or racist.
赫恩既非幼稚,也不是种族主义者。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hearn was fumbling now, he had noticed that in him.
他看出了侯恩是在那里冥思苦想。 jukuu

Hearn's proposals to revive interest in a sport that is currently at its lowest point commercial ly since becoming mainstream television entertainment more than30 years ago.
自30多年前斯诺克成为主流电视娱乐项目以来,目前这项运动在商业上处于有史以来的最低点。 qeto




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