

单词 heaped upon
释义 heaped upon短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺
Honours are heaped upon him and he is offered the retired emperor’s daughter as a wife.
随后,各种名誉地位接踵而至,他被赐予了一位退位天皇的女儿作为自己的妻子。 yeeyan

Still, the following players are the ones with the largest expectations heaped upon them as we head into the new season.
而下面这些球员在踏入新赛季之时,承载了最多的期待于一身。 yeeyan

Although coffee was imported, it did not share the scorn heaped upon tea.
尽管咖啡也是进口的,却不象茶那样饱受轻视。 www.thnu.edu.cn

But as the economy quickly soured, Wall Street became downright anxious about all that debt that was heaped upon Chrysler and GMAC to finance the deal.
但是随着经济形势的快速恶化,华尔街开始为克莱斯勒和通用汽车金融服务公司收购案中所堆积的巨额债务感到担忧。 yeeyan

During the postwar years, honours were heaped upon Einstein.
在战后的年月里,爱因斯坦的荣誉接踵而来。 ruiwen

Honors and academic degrees were heaped upon him.
他被授予种种荣誉和学位。 huixue




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