

单词 heaped on
释义 heaped on短语⁶⁶⁴²⁷
Despite the significant criticism being heaped on the anti-corruption chief, Lumumba is not without supporters.
尽管这位反腐败领导人正在成为众矢之的,但是仍然有人支持他。 tingvoa

Given the odium already heaped on, for example football referees such as Sweden's Anders Frisk, it's a reasonable question.
考虑到积怨,再想想瑞典的足球裁判安德斯.弗雷斯克的前车之鉴,提出这个问题是有道理的。 yeeyan

If true, that is callousness heaped on criminality.
如果情况属实,这可谓是麻木不仁、罄竹难书。 ecocn

Maybe once she’d dreamed of jazz- dance stardom, roses heaped on her Capezios, but keeping it real and teaching cardio ballet constituted triumphs enough.
她也许曾经梦想过成为爵士舞明星,玫瑰淹没她的舞鞋,可是现实点儿,她能执教有氧健身芭蕾舞已经算是成功了。 yeeyan

Most of the blame for this should be heaped on the leaders of the euro zone, still the biggest immediate danger.
大部分的指责都应该指向欧元区的领导们,他们是最大的燃眉之危。 ecocn

Solzhenitsyn was an icon of freedom to the Western world, but he did not return the esteem it heaped on him.
对于西方世界来说,索尔仁尼琴是自由的象征,但他并没有回馈这些赋予其身的尊重。 yeeyan




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