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词汇 Hean
释义 Hean
Mr Teo CheeHean, our minister for Defence stood up and became wet through like everybody.张志贤国防部长是当晚的座上嘉宾,他也站起身来陪着大家一起淋雨。
The Guest of honour was the Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, Mr Teo CheeHean.当时的教育部长兼国防部第二部长张志贤准将为大会嘉宾。
Rear-Adm Teo CheeHeanwas planning to visit a primary school soon after he became Education Minister.就笔者的接触,不提年长者,一般的中国青年,对国内、本区域及欧美的了解,都远超我们。
Mr Tan Kah Kee, after assuming position as President of the Ee HoeHeanClub in 1923, set up a reading room in the third floor of the club building.陈嘉庚先生从1923年开始担任怡和轩俱乐部的总理后,一直到1947年都是该俱乐部的核心负责人之一。在入主怡和轩后曾进行改革,其中之一就是在怡和轩会所的设立一个图书室,供会员阅读。
For the students said that the aim of the policy to decide whether to accept, Teo CheeHeanalso share his time as environment minister at the time of development experience.虽然人们总是批评本地年轻人对时事和政策漠不关心,但是这项比赛却吸引了100支队伍参赛。他们来自本地三所大学,以四人一组形式参赛,有的是同学,有的是跨校的朋友。




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