

单词 headway
释义 head·way 英ˈhedˌweɪ美ˈhɛdˌweAHDhĕdʹwā' ★☆☆☆☆高四GIT宝八COCA²⁵¹¹⁰BNC¹⁵⁹⁴⁸iWeb¹⁹⁰²⁶Economist¹³⁰⁵²

vertical space available to allow easy passage under somethingforward movement;

the ship made little headway against the gale

head,头,way,路。比喻用法。make headway取得进展fetch headway开始快速前进…headway per drill bit经 每一钻头…clear headway净空高度going headway运输平巷,煤房运煤支…
head-way⇒n.前进;航行速度³;进展⁸⁸;前后两车间的车间时距n.进步;成功;间隔距离;间隔时间;取得进展;建净空;净空高度;进尺;钻进;横巷;海航行速度³;矿进展⁸⁸;向前行进GRE红宝书head way 向头的方向走近义词 head头部advance前进progress进步movement活动clearance清除improvement改进progression前进advancement前进headroom头上空间

用作名词The work is steadily makingheadway.这项工作正在取得稳步进展。
The boat made slowheadwayagainst the tide.那船逆着潮水缓慢地前进。
I can not make anyheadwayon this problem.我无法突破获这个问题。
Did you make anyheadwayin your research work?你们的研究工作有进展吗?
We are making littleheadwaywith the negotiations.我们在谈判中没有取得什么进展。
The reforms have made substantialheadway.改革取得了实质的进展。
Littleheadwayhas been made in educational reform.教育改革没有进展。
Our revolutionary struggle has made muchheadway.我们的革命斗争已取得了很大进展。noun.progress
同义词 advancementadvance,ground,improvement,increase,march,proficiency,progression,promotion,wayanabasis
反义词 decreaseblock,hindrance,stoppage
advancenoun improvement, progress in development
advancement,amelioration,betterment,boost,break,breakthrough,buildup,development,enrichment,furtherance,gain,go ahead,growth,increase,progress,promotion,rise,step,up,upgrade,upping
advancementnoun forward movement
advancementsnoun forward movement
advancesnoun improvement, progress in development
accommodations,allowances,bites,credits,deposits,down payments,floaters,front moneys,hikes,increases,loans,prepayments,retainers,rises,scores,stakes,takes,touches
gainnoun acquisition, winnings
leewaynoun room to move, grow
elbow room,extent,headway,latitude,margin,play,scope,space The company's latest quarterly results show she is making some headway.
雅虎最新的季度财报显示出,她取得了进展。 iciba

The problem with the general creative puzzle is that it’s too big to piece together, but if you focus on just one component of it, then some headway can be made on it.
大方向创造性难题的问题太宽泛很难拼凑起来,但是如果你专注于其中某一部分,如此便能取得一些进展。 yeeyan

The reforms have made substantial headway.
改革取得了实质的进展。 hjenglish

All Work and No Play: When it comes to child labor laws, little headway has been made on enforcement.
只有工作没有玩耍: 印度儿童劳工法的执行方面几乎没有任何进展。 yeeyan

And that’s saying something: thanks to the nature of exponential growth, technological advance is already making headway at the fastest pace we’ve ever seen.
可以这么说:感谢指数增长的自然属性,技术发展已经在以我们从未见过的最快步伐在前进。 yeeyan

But they have made little headway, and there are concerns that positions on both sides are hardening.
而局势并未取得多大进展,并且有人担心双方立场强硬。 ecocn

But now the technology finally seems to be making headway.
但如今技术似乎正在这方面不断取得进展。 ecocn

China is doubtless delighted that its efforts to broker peace on the Korean peninsula appear at last to be making some headway.
中国无疑对于能够让朝鲜半岛无核化进程解冻,至少有一些实质性进展而沾沾自喜。 ecocn

Depressingly, the two seem to be making little headway in the Doha trade round, either between themselves or with the Group of20 largest developing countries.
沮丧的是,欧洲和美国在多哈贸易会谈上却鲜有进展,包括他们两者和最大发展中国家的 G-20。 topsage

His research in cancer that spanned15 years has made considerable headway in the end.

I'll admit, Apple has made some headway with enterprise customers.
我要承认一点,苹果已经在企业消费领域有了一些进展。 yeeyan

That may explain why the big internet firms have made little headway in this business so far.
这大概能说明为何近来大型网际网路公司在此类事业上少有进展。 yeeyan

We had made a lot of headway in eight years, but America was growing more diverse, and there was still much to be done.
八年来,我们已经取得了很大进展,但美国正变得更加多样化,所以还有很多事情要做。 yeeyan




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