释义 |
heads out短语⁵⁸⁶¹³ 基本例句 头向外;出海;片头就位;影片头朝外 All of that seems to be going really well. I don't see guys hanging their heads out there too often. 禅师表示,“这些看起来很好,我不常常看到他们偷勤。” x694 It’s time for U.S. companies to pull their heads out of dreams of cost containment and realize that the merry-go-round is about to stop. 美国公司应该认识到寻找成本洼地的快乐旅程就要结束了,现在就是从成本策略的梦想中抽身的时候了。 yeeyan When it was beginning to come on dark, we poked our heads out of the cottonwood thicket and looked up and down , and across. 天快要黑的时候,我们从白杨树里伸出头来,向上下游和眼前河面望了一阵。 jukuu It leaves your being and heads out into the universe, extending forever. 它离开你后会朝向宇宙前进,永远延伸。 blog.sina.com.cn It's a deeply rooted Norwegian habit: On Sunday, everyone from toddlers to grandparents heads out to hike in summer or cross-country ski in winter. 这是一项历史悠久的挪威风俗:周日的时候,从蹒跚学步的儿童到耋耄的爷爷奶奶们,每个人都去远足夏天的时候或者去越野滑雪冬天的时候。 yeeyan She heads out to the UCI Worlds in New Zealand as one of the hottest tips for the Women's Junior title. 她在新西兰以最热门的青年女子冠军的消息向 UCI世界进军。 bikesky She heads out on her own to discover everything she has missed and has been curious about. 她独自启程去发现那些她所错过、并且向来感到好奇的一切事物。 blog.sina.com.cn They heard the outcry below, and thrust their heads out of the window. 他们听到楼下的大声疾呼,就把头挤到了窗外。 zftrans When Jill’s alarm clock sounds she automatically reaches for her gym bag and heads out the door. 当她的闹钟响起时,她立刻条件反射地去拿健身包然后出门。 yeeyan When we are preparing to dive they pop their heads out and watch everyone getting ready. 当我们准备潜水时,它们探出头来,看着每个做准备的人。 yeeyan |