

单词 headlight
释义 head·light 英ˈhedˌlaɪt美ˈhɛdˌlaɪtAHDhĕdʹlīt' ★☆☆☆☆高M四八COCA¹¹³³⁴BNC⁵⁴⁶⁰¹iWeb⁷⁵³³

a powerful light with reflector; attached to the front of an automobile or locomotiveheadlight casing头灯壳headlight door头灯框,前灯框…acetylene headlight乙炔照明headlight oil头光油landing headlight着陆灯headlight shell头灯壳
蒋争熟词记忆headn.头light灯⇒矿工头上的照明灯,汽车等的前灯headn.头light灯⇒矿工头上的照明灯,汽车等的前灯近义词 lamp灯headlamp头灯反义词 taillight尾灯

用作名词Theheadlightof the car lit up the road far ahead.汽车的前灯照射着前方远处的路面。
The rabbit sat without moving, fascinated by the glare of our headlights.我们的车的前灯把兔子照得蹲在那里一动也不动。as in.eye
同义词 blinder,eyeball,lamp,ocular,oculus,optic,peeper,piebaby blue
eyenoun optical organ of an animate being
baby blue,blinder,eyeball,lamp,ocular,oculus,optic,peeper,pie In her agony, she did not see the glowing headlight of the train rounding the curve, or hear the screech of the breaks as the engineer spotted her fire-eaten figure and tried to stop.
一列火车转过弯,司机望见前方的火球便急忙刹车。痛苦的詹妮没看见车灯,也没听见刺耳的刹车声。 yeeyan

It is very important to mount a headlight cleaner on automobile for the automobile security.
在汽车上安装车灯清洗器对于行车的安全具有十分重要的作用。 dictall

Its yellow paint now peeling, the building is anchored at one end by a three-story circular window that conjures an enormous headlight.
黄色油漆已脱落,建筑是固定在一端的一座三层圆形窗口,联想巨大的车灯。 kuenglish

The intensity and alignment of a headlight must be within the specified limits.
强度和一个大灯的排列必须在规定的极限。 dlzycf

The main lighting switch sometimes called the headlight switch is the heart of the lighting systems.

The wiring of the headlight system will need to be changed as a higher starting current is required for the HID lamps.
车灯的接线系统将需要改变,作为一个更高的起动电流所需的藏灯。 dlzycf

Disconnect2 connections off the headlight.
断开2连接关闭车头灯。 changan

For some years there has been discussion about the advantages of a polarized headlight system.
近年来,人们开始讨论有关偏振光的前照灯系统的优势。 tianya

Gotta love how they don't sweat the headlight alignment, too. One's at45 degrees from the other. For better roadside sign illumination, maybe?
真想知道他们为什么不把大灯做一下校准?两个大灯的角度快有45度了,也许是为了更好的照亮两侧么? fblife

Have a look at my headlight and screen on the X and the headlight and screen on Hennie's800.
有一个看我的头灯,和屏幕上的 X和大灯屏幕葛登的800人。 dahe

I use a headlight, taillight, reflectors, two mirrors, and an additional taillight for the trailer.
我使用头灯,尾灯,反光镜,两面后视镜,和一个额外用在拖车上的尾灯。 yeeyan

In a moment the red glare from the headlight streamed up the snow- covered track before the siding and glittered on the wet, black rails.
不一会儿,车头耀眼的红灯照射在月台前白雪覆盖的铁路,湿漉漉、黑幽幽的钢轨闪闪发亮。 yeeyan

Kepler can measure a decrease so small that NASA says it's equivalent to Kepler, from its orbit above Earth, detecting a fly passing by a car's headlight.
开谱勒可以衡量如此之小的变化,因此美国宇航局发言说这相当于开铺勒从行星到地球的距离测量一个飞行的汽车灯。 en400

Look past the new headlight lenses as the big news with the update is under the bonnet.
看过去,新的头灯透镜作为大新闻与更新的帽子。 www.xcar.com.cn

Mikrouna has taken the lead in developing HID Lighting Production Line technology, which enables Mikrouna contributing significantly to modern Xenon HID Headlight mass manufacturing industry in China.
米开罗那在国内率先研制出汽车氙气金卤灯的成套设备及技术,为国内该灯的大规模现代化生产作出了重要贡献。 iciba

Plastic nuclear missiles flank the rear wheel, silver plastic fighter jets glint by the headlight and mounted at the rear end is a moulding depicting a nuclear test.
后轮的两侧安装着塑料的核导弹模型,银色的塑料战斗机模型被安装在车前方在车灯的照射下闪闪发光,车尾部安装着一个象征着核试验的模具。 transcn

Pull headlight out towards you.
前照灯拉出来对你。 changan

She saw his blurry figure in the headlight, walking around the front of the car.
她在车前灯的光线中看到他模糊的身影在汽车前周走动。 yeeyan

Small details like the blue lights and headlight on the robot will add elements in the painting.
诸如蓝色的灯和机器人的头灯这样的小细节会给绘画增加一些元素。 cguse

The car needs a new headlight.
这辆车需要新的前灯。 huixue

This means lights and mirrors. I use a headlight, taillight, reflectors, two mirrors, and an additional taillight for the trailer.
意思是考虑你的灯跟后视镜。我使用头灯,尾灯,反光镜,两面后视镜,和一个额外用在拖车上的尾灯。 yeeyan

This feature will automatically adjust the headlight angle and direction based on road and driving conditions to minimise glare.
这个功能将会自动调整角度和方向灯基于道路和驾驶条件最小化眩光。 dlzycf

This headlight is of unique quality.
这种车头灯具有无与伦比的性能。 hicoo

Usually, due to the different reflectors and lenses used, the whole headlight assembly will have to be replaced during the switch to HID lamps.
通常,由于不同的反射镜和透镜使用,整个车灯组装就必须替换在切换到 HID灯。 dlzycf




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