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head·first 英ˈhedˈfɜːst美ˈhɛdˈfɝstAHDhĕdʹfûrstʹ 高GCOCA³⁰⁹⁹⁹BNC⁷¹⁶⁸⁵iWeb²⁵¹⁵⁹ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 adv.头向前地⁵⁰;仓促地²⁵;鲁莽地²⁵异体字headforemost 顽固
Adjective: with the head foremost;a headfirst plunge down the stairs a headlong dive into the pool Adverb: with the head foremost;the runner slid headlong into third base head first头先进去 head-first⇒adv.头向前地⁵⁰;仓促地²⁵;鲁莽地²⁵adv.不顾前后地;冒失地;轻率地近义词 diving潜水rashly莽撞地hastily匆忙地plunging跳进的headlong头向前的impulsively冲动地impetuously冲动地pitching棒球投掷carelessly粗心大意地recklessly不顾后果地head over heels头朝下somersaulting动词somersault…
名词100% A dive executed by jumpingheadfirst, bending the body at the waist, and, with the legs straight, touching the feet with the hands before straightening out to enter the water hands first.屈体跳水,镰刀式跳水头向下的一种跳水动作,把身体弯到腰部、腿伸直,在打开身体且以手先触水的姿势跳入水中以前,要先用手触脚adv.recklessly 同义词 carelesslyhastily,rashlyadv.in a direct manner 同义词 directly,headlong,head-on For entrepreneurship hinges on intelligent risk-taking, not closing your eyes and plunging headfirst off the foggy cliff of government intervention and manipulation. 企业家精神不但依附于聪明的冒险精神,而也不是要你闭上你的眼睛去盲干,也不是一头栽进去政府干预和控制的模糊峭壁去。 yeeyan Any of several small, short-tailed birds of the family Sittidae, having a long sharp bill and known for climbing down trees headfirst. 币鸟一种体形小而尾短的鸟,有长而尖的喙,以头朝下向下爬树而闻名。 hotdic Consider this: it's difficult to make yourself just jump headfirst into a new situation without working out some of the details ahead of time. 想一想:你很难做到在没有规划任何细节之前一头扎进一个你不熟悉的新环境。 dudu360 He lost his balance, and pitched out of the window headfirst. 他失去平衡, 头朝下从窗子上跌了下去。 iciba His coach is angry, his parents are disappointed, and he's diving headfirst into a downward spiral. 他的教练是愤怒,他的父母感到失望,他的走下坡路潜水头向前。 ccebook.net I threw the beautiful princess headfirst down the mountain to my acquaintances. 我将公主头朝下扔给了山下的相识。 blog.sina.com.cn It will founder upon the rocks of iniquity and sink headfirst to vanish without trace into the seas of oblivion. 它从罪孽的悬崖中跌落到谷底,最终被遗忘在记忆之海。 yeeyan It felt like falling headfirst off the top of a 2, 000-foot- tall building. 我的感觉就像是头朝下跳下了两千英尺高的楼。 yeeyan Landing headfirst in the water, he felt his pulse quicken. 一头栽倒在水中后,他感觉到脉搏加快。 yeeyan Less than ten minutes after the ambulance arrived, technicians slid Zanes Cypress headfirst into the opening of a CAT scanner. 在救护车到达后不到十分钟的时间里,技师们径直将赞恩斯•塞浦瑞斯推入了造影扫描仪的入口。 zftrans Meanwhile, Steve dashed to Ronnie, who was dangling headfirst from the passenger door. 与此同时,史蒂夫冲向头朝下悬挂在客座门那边的罗尼。 yeeyan ObeyingKwuteg's cry, she dashed to the river's edge and plunged headfirst into the water. 遵循库泰格的呼唤,她跑下河岸,一头扎入水中。 cndkc She fires at his windshield, and he shoots back as they drive headfirst toward each other. 她向他的挡风玻璃开枪,杰克向她还击,他们驾车头撞头地向对方的车冲去。 yeeyan The baby usually turns upside down in the end, since its head is heaviest. Babies get born more easily if they come headfirst. 到后期的时候胎儿会转过来头朝下,因为他的头最重。如果胎儿的头先出来,就容易出生了。 blog.sina.com.cn With its wry reporting and visual panache, Wired offers a headfirst dive into the tech world. 依靠其嘲讽的报道风格和绚丽的视觉效果,《连线》杂志绝对可以让你一头扎进科技世界。 yeeyan |