

单词 headed out
释义 headed out短语¹⁸⁴⁴⁸
All of a sudden we heard my brother, Chris, yelling from the backyard. So we all headed out there to see what happened.
就在这时,从后院传来了弟弟克里斯的叫声。我们都跑出去看发生了什么事。 blog.sina.com.cn

Everyone gets dressed without too much drama, and by the time we’ve headed out the door, we are all usually smiling. A big improvement!
我们每个人穿着并没有太多的戏剧成分,等我我们走出房间的时候,我们笑了,我们有一个这么大的进步了。 yeeyan

Harry had no idea that so many people were interested in how he was doing before he headed out to Hogwarts for the first time.
哈利来到霍格沃兹之前根本不知道会有那么多人对他感兴趣。 kekenet

He headed out to London.

I had been born and raised in NY, when in grade school we suddenly uprooted and headed out West for a new start.
我生于纽约,长于纽约,小学时我们突然举家迁往西部寻求新的发展。 yeeyan

The next morning, I headed out from Brega to see how far Qaddafi’s men had advanced.
第二天早上,我离开布雷加,想看看卡扎菲的部队推进到哪了。 yeeyan

The trail is popular nowadays with hikers, but as we arrived in the Yukon I headed out to it and stepped back in time.
如今这条小道很受徒步者的喜爱,但是当我来到育空地区时,我走到它身边又及时退了回来。 yeeyan

Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whales and headed out into the bay.
一刻不停,我们和其他的扑鲸人都跳上船,朝海湾开去。 ruiwen




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