

单词 headed off
释义 headed off短语³⁰⁰⁴²
One March day, as soon as she had finished her housework, Jeanne Bousque headed off toward the Pelgrin property, on the high plateau above the village.
三月里的一天,珍妮-博斯克一做完了家务活,就去了村子上头高原地带的佩尔格林的庄园了。 yeeyan

A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and Cassandra and I headed off to dinner.
几分钟后,我们的钟点保姆来了,于是我和卡桑德拉出门吃晚餐。 yeeyan

America woke up the next morning and headed off to school or to work, unless the routine took a detour.
第二天,美国人醒来,上学的上学,上班的上班,最多碰上一段小插曲。 yeeyan

But I found fly- out more deeply affecting— because, I suppose, the birds at daybreak are headed off with a purpose, not just home to rest.
可是,我发现,它们飞出去的景象更加动人。我想,那是因为黎明时的鸟儿怀着目的出发,而不只是回家休息。 yeeyan

George Bushwho was governor of Texas from 1995 until he headed off to greater things in2000 partially reformed the system in1995.
乔治-布什1995年至2000年他是德州州长,2000后进入白宫当总统在1995年对该制度做过部分改革。 ecocn

He said I had it, so he headed off to a villa in the mountains, Christmastime 1925.

I confiscated my map and also headed off, only to find at the next stop that my lighter had gone missing.
我把地图收了回来,到了下一站才发现打火机丢了。 yeeyan

It was Molly’s job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he headed off to work.
纸袋中的爱毛利每天早上都要在爸爸出门工作前,交给他棕色的午餐纸袋。 ebigear

She left sobbing as she headed off for her honeymoon in Turkey.
她抽泣着离开去度她在土耳其的蜜月。 tianya

Such moves have unsettled business bosses, and a few have headed off overseas.
这些举措使得商业首脑们心怀疑虑,一些人大举进军海外。 ecocn

The running thief was headed off by the police.




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