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headednessCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺⁵iWeb⁵¹⁴¹⁵ 基本例句 🌏头痛 At lower doses cyanide leads to weakness, giddiness, confusion, and light- headedness. 较小剂量的氰化物也会导致虚弱,视力下降,智力衰退以及轻度头痛。 yeeyan It is a tribute to her level- headedness and strength that despite the most bizarre-like life imaginable after her childhood, she remained intact, true to herself. 虽然她童年之后的生活变得如此匪夷所思,她一直在做完整、真实的自己,这是对她的清醒和勇气的赞赏。 yeeyan The books bear the marks of intelligence and clear- headedness and maturity and a moral vision that is compelling. 书籍明显透露着著作人惊人的才智、条理分明的头脑、和成熟道德的视角,这些都是足以令人信服的。 yeeyan Traditional way of considering HAs altered dramaticwhichley. The pendulum get swung or people are not exhibiting awaystoringer open- headedness or a burning desire to determine theirs have destiny. 习惯的思维技巧有了显著的变化。除了了剧变,大部份人表现出更开放的思想以及决定她们自己命运的强烈愿望。 ffenglish But, his level- headedness is important. 但是,他的冷静很重要。 mufans But Britain is caught up in a kerfuffle about an even more esoteric idea, and that threatens its hard- earned reputation for hard- headedness about the field. 然而,不列颠卷入了更加深奥的概念混乱,而且威胁到它的得来不易的,对于该领域的精明冷静的名声。 ecocn But stopping suddenly can cause light- headedness because your heart rate and blood pressure drop rapidly. 但是突然停下来可能会引起头晕目眩因为你的心跳率和血压下降得太快。 yeeyan I hope you will also be aware of a sensation of calm and clear- headedness. 同时我希望你们还会有一种心境平和、神清气爽的感觉。 academytrans.com In some societies, the term“ redhead” is synonymous with hard- headedness, even being mentally challenged. 在某些社会,“红头发”这个词和“冷静实际”是同义词。 yeeyan Moreover, his confidence had sprung from a more profound source than hot- headedness or bull-like courage. It had been grounded in philosophy. 而且,他的自信不仅是出于一时冲动或者匹夫之勇,而是来自更深层次的、植根于哲学的源泉。 blog.sina.com.cn Mr Bush's stubbornness over Iraq is not just a matter of pig- headedness or self- delusion. 布什对伊拉克问题的固执己见不单是顽固或自欺的问题。 ecocn Scarlett possesses more of her father's hard- headedness than her mother's refined Southern manners. 斯佳丽表现出更多的是爸爸的倔强性格而不是妈妈的优雅风度。 dtafzx The level- headedness that can be gained from historical perspective is the value in reading Ms Landecker's account. 从历史的整体观点出发获得的头脑冷静是阅读兰蒂克女士记述的价值所在。 ecocn Their impulsive emotions and conceited swell- headedness often lead to unexpected behaviors. Therefore, juvenile crimes are serious and it is hard to predict and grasp their law. 他们感情易冲动,最易忘乎所以,干出常人意料之外的行为,所以青少年犯罪的严重性在于事先很难掌握他们的行动规律,难以预测。 ourtra Theirlevel- headedness and trust in each other were the keys to their success. 他们头脑清醒且彼此信任,这些都是他们成功的关键。 yeeyan There is a real risk that the politicians’ pig- headedness could lead to disaster. 因为政客们的猪脑袋而引发灾难的风险是现实存在的。 ecocn Yet the greatest credit should go to the resilience and level- headedness of the region’s own politicians and citizens. 然而,最大的功劳要归功于复原力,该地区的政治家的领导水平和公民。 ecocn Yet the greatest credit should go to the resilience and level- headedness of the region's own politicians and citizens. 然而,最大的赞扬应该去给该地区的政治家和公民的能力和水平。 ecocn |