

单词 hdz
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A Social Democrat, he was also expected to build bridges to Mrs Kosor, who comes from the centre-right Croatian Democratic Union HDZ.
身为社会民主党人,人们也曾希望他能向首相 Kosor充当好桥梁作用,因为首相 Kosor是克罗地亚民主联盟中间右派成员。 ecocn

If opinion polls are to be believed, voters in Croatia have punished the ruling conservative Croatian Democratic Union, or HDZ, in part because of rising unemployment.
如果民意调查可靠的话,克罗地亚的选民已经惩罚了执政的保守派克罗地亚民主联盟,一部分原因是失业率上升。 tingvoa

In March a former deputy prime minister from HDZ was arrested on corruption charges.
而就在三月份克罗地亚民主联盟的一位前任副部长受腐败指控遭捕。 ecocn

It was announced that ruling Croatian Democratic Union HDZ is being investigated for corruption.
据报道执政的克罗地亚民主共同体 HDZ正因腐败问题遭到调查。 ecocn

Ivo Sanader, the former head of the HDZ and prime minister went on trial and independent Croatia’s first interior minister was arrested on charges of murders allegedly committed in1945.
克罗地亚民共体的前领袖兼总理伊沃•萨纳德,受到审判,克罗地亚独立后的第一位内务大臣因指控在1945年犯谋杀罪被逮捕。 ecocn

Some commentators in the region have linked the arrest of Mr Boljkovac to the image of the HDZ and the election, especially in the wake of the trial of Mr Sanader.
当地的一些评论员将博尔科瓦奇的被捕与民共体的形象和大选联系起来,尤其是在其被捕发生在对萨纳德的审判之后。 ecocn

The irony of the case is that it was Mr Sanader who modernised the HDZ and set it on the course for European accession which necessitated action against corruption.
这桩案件极具讽刺意味的是,正是萨纳德本人对民共体进行现代化改革,并开启了克罗地亚加入欧盟的征程,而这也引燃了国内的反腐运动。 ecocn

ZJHP offers a drastic different approach from HDZ and its experience sheds some light on local government's intervention in the development of high-tech parks.
它们的经验对地方政府对高科技产业发展的干预有一定的借鉴作用。 cnki




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