

单词 have-not
释义 have-not 英ˈhævˌnɒt美ˈhævˌnɑtAHDhăvʹnŏt' COCA³⁰⁹⁴²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb³⁶²⁴⁹

a person with few or no possessionsnot have a penny to one's name一文不名have not a word to throw at a dog不和别人说话,不理睬…have not to不需要have not a brain in one's head没有头脑not have a leg to stand on论点等站不住脚…have not a leg to stand on站不住脚have not the foggiest一点儿也不知道…not have two halfpennies to rub together钱不多的not have a ghost of a chance毫无希望not have a clue毫无头绪have not a dry stitch on浑身湿透have not much to do with与 … 无多大关…have not much voice in something对某事有发言权…have not a sou没钱not have enough sense to come in the rain下雨也不知道进屋里来…not have much of a time过得不痛快have not a dry thread on浑身湿透not have enough sense to come in from the rain口蠢极了not have a penny to bless oneself with一个便士也没有…not have enough sense to come in out of the rain下雨也不知道进屋里来…

用作名词The poor have a claim to our sympathy.穷人值得我们同情。
We have no means of helping that poor man.我们没办法帮助那个穷人。
Poor countries, with underfunded and corrupt bureaucracies, often have an even harder time keeping oil firms in line.在贫穷国家中,行政资金本来就捉襟见肘,而且官僚体系腐败无能,他们的政府就更难约束那些石油公司了。
But F.A.O. official Hafez Ghanem says lower prices have failed to end the food crisis in many poor countries.但是联合国粮食农业组织官员哈菲加尼姆说,在很多贫穷国家中依靠降低价格来结束粮食危机已经失败了。 Indeed Ontario is now classified as a have-not province, making it eligible for handouts from a federal fund to equalise public spending across the country.
事实上,安大略现已被归类为贫穷省,有资格接受用于平衡贫富省公共收支的联邦基金。 ecocn

The result shows that the have-and-have-not method is superior to the cost- share method.
结果表明“有无对比法”比“费用分摊法”更为科学、真实。 cnki

The divide between“ have” and“ have-not” shoppers across Britain has widened, according to the Retail Think Tank, an expert panel.
据一个专家团队,零售智囊团的报告称,在整个英国,有钱族和缺钱族的区分已经变得越来越大。 ecocn




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