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释义 have more to do短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
Conversely, sceptics wonder if the current good news may have more to do with weak accounting and regulatory forbearance.
相反,持怀疑态度的人士质疑当前的好状况是否主要与宽松的会计体系和监管体系有关。 yeeyan

Sporadic violence continues in the eastern valleys, though the fighting may have more to do with unsettled scores from Tajikistan’s civil war in1992-97, which left tens of thousands dead.
东部谷地零星的暴力事件接连不断。这场战斗与1992-97年塔内战期间悬而未决的问题有着很大的关系,那场内战导致了数万人死亡。 ecocn

What on a first reading may look like a radical overhaul of government may in fact have more to do with the internal politics of Pasok.
这次乍看比较彻底的政府改组实际上可能大多受泛希腊社会运动党内部争斗的影响。 ecocn




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