

单词 haunted house
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A former driver, Pinto got a job scaring visitors in a commercial haunted house in Belo Horizonte,210 miles north of Rio de Janeiro.
平托以前曾是一名司机,后来他又在位于该国里约热内卢市以北210英里处的贝洛奥里藏特市找到了一份特殊的工作。 cri

She considered the haunted house to be “ highly exciting and entertaining, ” like the rush she gets from a roller coaster, Feinstein said.
费因斯坦称, SM女士认为鬼屋之旅“令人十分兴奋和开心”,感觉像坐了一趟过山车一样。 yeeyan

“ It's basically a haunted house film, ” explains the critic David Thomson.
“这基本上是一部鬼屋电影,”评论家大卫·汤姆逊 David Thomason解释说。 yeeyan

After this, I want to show you to the Haunted House.
在这之后,我想带你鬼屋。 kekenet

After this, I want to show you to the Haunted House.
在这之后,我想带你去鬼屋。 ebigear

Brian Schmitz of the Orlando Sentinel says the old Amway Arena is now like a “ haunted house.”
奥兰多哨兵报 Brian Schmitz说安利球馆现在看起来就像“鬼屋”。 yeeyan

Having hesitated for a long time, under the companion's company, I have begun the journey of the haunted house.
犹豫了很久,在同伴的陪伴下,我开始了鬼屋的行程。 hjenglish

In spite of the fact one will hardly want to spend a night at a haunted house and prefer to use a hammock under the open sky.
虽然人们宁可在屋外的吊床上过夜,也不愿意住在鬼屋里。 yeeyan

The researchers took SM to a haunted house, and she laughed at the scary parts and blithely made the monster- suited employees jump.
研究人员把 SM带到鬼屋,她却冲着可怕的地方大笑,还快活地让穿着怪物服装的工作人员乱跳不已。 yeeyan

These included exposure to snakes and spiders, horror films and a “ haunted house”.
这些情景包括接触毒蛇和蜘蛛、恐怖电影和“鬼屋”。 yeeyan




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