释义 |
hatoyama yukio 基本例句 鸠山由纪夫 The man who will bring the LDP's rule to an end this summer is Hatoyama's grandson, Yukio Hatoyama, leader of the DPJ.而这个夏天结束LDP执政的人就是鸠山一郎的孙子,DPJ的领袖,鸠山由纪夫。 Japan's parliament has elected Yukio Hatoyama prime minister, handing power to an untested government that faces tough economic and social challenges.日本议会选举鸠山由纪夫为新首相,将权力传授给一个未经任何磨练并面临严峻经济、社会问题的新政府。 Yukio Hatoyama, the new prime minister, personally promised Okinawans during the election campaign that Futenma would be shunted off the island.新当选的日本首相鸠山由纪夫在选战中曾个人对冲绳民众允诺普天间基地将迁出该岛。 In the past, its leader, Yukio Hatoyama, has questioned parts of the security alliance with America and the role of Japanese forces abroad.民主党党魁鸠山由纪夫曾质疑日美安全联盟中的成员和日本军事力量在国外担任的角色。 |