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词汇 hatch
释义 hatch 英hætʃ美hætʃAHDhăch ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIMT宝46八COCA⁶⁷¹²BNC¹⁶³⁵³iWeb⁹³⁶⁰Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

vt. & vi. 孵化

break, letting the young bird out

vt. & vi. 孵出,破壳而出

break out through an egg

vt. 秘密策划

form secretly, especially to do sth bad

C开口,活板门; 舱口,舱门

an opening in a wall, floor, etc., through which people or things can pass

the production of young from an eggshading consisting of multiple crossing linesa movable barrier covering a hatchway
emerge from the eggs;

young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch

devise or invent;

He thought up a plan to get rich quickly

no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software

inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decoratingdraw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper;

hatch the sheet

sit on eggs;

Birds brood

The female covers the eggs

用作动词 v.
~+名词hatch a plot策划阴谋hatch chicken孵小鸡~+副词hatch properly正常孵化hatch out孵出,得出结果~+介词hatch sth from sth从…中孵出…用作名词 n.名词+~cargo hatch货舱口emergency hatch紧急出口介词+~go through the hatch走出舱口under hatch被关在船舱里~+介词a hatch between在…之间的开口
hatch out v.+adv.

使得出结果; 制定(cause to reach a result; consider and decide about sth)

hatch outWhen will the baby chickens hatch out?小鸡什么时候孵出来?hatch sth ⇔ outThe hen has hatched all her chickens out.这只母鸡已经孵出了她的全部小鸡。hatch outNo one knows how the new plan will hatch out.谁也不知道这新方案将怎样制订出来。hatch sth ⇔ outThe government are hatching out a new plan to deal with rising prices.政府正在制订一个对付物价上涨的新方案。GRE红宝书hatch 作为'孵出'一意大家并不陌生,但'船舱盖 '一意必须记住
hatch 孵出,船舱盖,母鸡孵小鸡的位置就是船舱盖相对于船的位置
非常记忆catch抓住⇒猫抓了椅子h下刚孵出的小鸡联想记忆要想赢得比赛match得有准备和策划hatch联想记忆赢得比赛match要有准备和策划hatch近义词 door门up向上make做plot情节plan计划trap圈套flap拍打mark记号brood一窝breed繁殖shade阴影cover封面incubate孵scheme阴谋invent发明access入口devise设计emerge浮现produce生产concoct捏造arrange整理opening开口make up弥补doorway门口intrigue欺骗generate产生entrance入口hatching阴影think of想到think up想出originate发起hachure阴影线small door小门crisscross交叉be born出生于 …come up with赶上crosshatch画交叉排线dream up凭空想出,虚构…give forth发出气味或烟雾等…trap door建地板或屋顶上的活门…
S+~+AWhen will the eggs hatch?这些蛋什么时候孵化?
The chicks have already hatched.小鸡已经孵出来了。
S+~+ n./pron.A hen hatches chickens.母鸡孵化小鸡。
The heat of the sun hatches turtles' eggs.太阳的热能将陆龟的卵孵出小龟。
They hatched a plot to murder the king.他们谋划杀害国王。
I hatched all the arrangement for the dance.我为舞会做了一些安排。用作名词n.There's a hatch between the kitchen and dining room for serving food.厨房和餐室之间有一个传送饭菜的窗口。
We heard the noise of a hatch being closed.我们听到舱门关上的声音。Phatcheryn.孵卵处Phatcheln.麻梳麻栉Phatchingn.阴影影线Pbomb-hatchn.炸弹舱门Pcrosshatching画剖面线Pcross-hatching交叉阴线Phatchwayn.舱口地窑口天窗Phatchern.孵卵器出谋策划的人Pcrosshatchvt.以交叉线作出阴影Pcross-hatcheda.用交叉线画成阴影的Phatchbackn.有向上打开的后门的汽车Phatchesn.出生、订婚、结婚和死亡栏Punhatcheda.未孵化的未充分孵化的未准备就绪的没实现的



用作名词Thehatchdate for tit eggs appears to be determined about a month earlier, when the eggs are laid.白颊山雀孵化的时间,似乎在孵化前一个月,也就是下蛋时便已决定。
Both men quickly disappeared down thehatch.两个人很快从舱口下去不见了。
We heard the noise of ahatchbeing closed.我们听到关舱口的声音。用作动词An incubator is used tohatchchicken.孵卵器用来孵小鸡。
The male leaves the female tohatchher eggs and looks for food.雄性离开雌性去孵蛋和寻找食物。
Chicks arehatchingfrom the eggs.小鸡正从蛋壳里孵出来。
Hen's eggs take21 days tohatchout.鸡蛋需要21天才孵化。
What mischief are those childrenhatching?那些孩子在琢磨什么鬼花样?verb.create, plan
同义词 breed,come up with,conceive,concoct,devise,dream up,formulate,incubate,invent,originate,spawnbear,brainstorm,brood,cause,contrive,design,engender,generate,induce,make,occasion,parent,plot,prepare,procreate,produce,project,provoke,scheme,set,sire,spitballbring forth,cook up,get up,give birth,lay eggs,make up,think up,throw together,trump up,whip up,work up
反义词 destroy,discourage,disorganize,dissuade,end,finish,halt,hinder,kill,neglect,prevent,refuse,ruin,stop
breedverb generate, bring into being
bear,beget,bring about,bring forth,cause,create,deliver,engender,give birth to,give rise to,impregnate,induce,make,multiply,originate,procreate,produce,progenerate,propagate,reproduce
brewverb plan, devise
breed,compound,concoct,contrive,develop,excite,foment,form,gather,hatch,impend,loom,mull,plot,project,scheme,start,stir up,weave
broodnoun cluster of children
causeverb bring into being;bring about
be at the bottom of,begin,brainstorm,break in,break the ice,breed,bring to pass,come out with,compel,cook up,create,dream up,effect,elicit,engender,evoke,fire up,generate,get things rolling,give rise to,hatch,incite,induce,introduce,kickoff,kindle,lead to,let,make,make up,motivate,muster,occasion,open,originate,precipitate,produce,provoke,result in,revert,secure,sow the seeds,start the ball rolling,think up,work up
concoctverb formulate, think up
ad lib,batch,brew,compound,contrive,cook up,create,design,devise,discover,dream up,envisage,envision,fabricate,frame,hatch,invent,make up,mature,originate,plan,plot,prefab,prepare,project,scheme,slap together,throw together,vamp
conspireverb plot, scheme with someone
be in cahoots,cabal,cogitate,collogue,collude,confederate,connive,contrive,cook up,cooperate,devise,get in bed with,hatch,intrigue,machinate,maneuver,operate,promote,put out a contract,wangle,wire,work something out A high-density insect hatch can produce a nutrient surplus comparable to that caused in larger waters by fertilizer runoff or sewage overflows.
高密度的昆虫孵化能够产生相当于因化肥流失或下水道溢出而导致较大水域中的营养过剩。 yeeyan

However, their play equipment cannot be used for at least one month while the bird eggs hatch.
在海鸥孵蛋期间,学校的运动器材至少在一个月内不能使用。 huanqiu

In the upside-down cabin, water spouted through the hatch.
水哗哗地从舱口涌进翻倒的船舱。 yeeyan

It is thought they also can remain in a dormant state for years, or even centuries until favorable conditions occur, and then they hatch.
一种观点认为,它们也能保持很多年,甚至数个世纪的休眠状态,直至有利的条件再次出现它们才孵化。 yeeyan

Nestled at center, another egg should hatch in two days— though usually only one chick will survive the season.
在鸟巢中央还有另外一颗蛋,即将在两天后孵化出来——不过在这一季里,只会有一只雏鸟存活下来。 transtounion

The eggs hatch in about ten days, but platypus infants are the size of lima beans and totally helpless.
蛋大约在十天内孵化,不过,鸭嘴兽的幼仔只有青豆大小,完全无法自立。 yeeyan

They are kept in the hands of professionals for three or four days to ensure that the chrysalises hatch properly and the butterflies are in prime condition for the wedding day.

“ Godspeed, Atlantis,” read a sign held up by a saluting member of the ground crew whose job it was to seal the shuttle's hatch for the last time.
“好运,亚特兰蒂斯号”,一群激动的地勤人员举着他们的标语。这些人的工作就是在最后时刻关闭航天飞机的舱门。 yeeyan

Allman started HATCH, a U.S.-based nonprofit organization to raise money for turtle programs.
奥尔曼创立了一家美国非营利性组织,名为“孵化”,为海龟计划筹集资金。 yeeyan

Another interesting thing I learned is that when the baby ladybugs hatch, they eat30 aphids a kind of insect per day.
我发现另一个有趣的现象是当小瓢虫孵化后,它们每天要吃30只左右的蚜虫另一种虫类。 yeeyan

As the birds’ eggs started to hatch, they removed both the nestlings and the nests from the boxes. They microwaved the nests to kill any parasites and then returned both nests and nestlings.
在鸟蛋开始孵化时,他们将雏鸟和巢一同取出,用微波照射鸟巢,以杀死所有的寄生虫,然后再将雏鸟和巢放回鸟箱中。 ecocn

As young birds hatch, there are more birds to observe and they can be easier to spot in family groupings.
当雏鸟孵化时,有许多鸟在看着,并且它们很容易在家族圈子里发现。 yeeyan

Before a storm, sailors cover the hatches with waterproof material. Then they nail on battens to hold the hatch coverings firmly in place.
在风暴来临前,水手使用防水材料盖好舱门,然后用薄木条把舱门覆盖物钉牢。 voanews

Cheese flies are allowed to lay their eggs, which hatch and start chewing their way through.
意大利蠕虫奶酪允许蛆在里面孵卵。等到孵化的时候再一起吃了它们。 yeeyan

Engineered for survival, insect eggs hang on and hatch wherever their parents deposit them.
奇妙的进化让昆虫卵不论产在何地都可以存活并孵化。 transtounion

Every year, thousands of loggerhead sea turtles hatch on the beaches of Florida and flap desperately toward the sanctuary of the surf.
每年,上千只江海龟在佛罗里达州的海滩上孵蛋后拼命地向庇护所—-海浪匍匐前进。 yeeyan

If both eggs hatch, the nestlings fight each other to the death— a behavior that is governed by hormones.
如果两枚蛋都孵化出来,他们也会相互争斗使其中一只致死,这一行为是由所受激素决定的。 yeeyan

Inseminated females of the blood-red ant invade wood ant nests, steal the pupae, and the ants that hatch are made to work for the strange queen.
受精的雌性血红林蚁侵入木蚁窝偷取蚁蛹,孵化的蚂蚁被迫为这位奇怪的女王充当奴隶。 yeeyan

It is the very hatch from where a cosmonaut came out to the Moon.
这是一个舱口,宇航员会从这里出来,搞个啥月球漫步的。 chnmilitary

Moreover the birds frequently varied their attitudes to child care between clutches, overall nurturing twice as many as they abandoned, so most of the eggs did hatch live chicks.
此外这种山雀对待养育和孵蛋的态度通常是不同的,总体来说哺育幼雀的比例是它们遗弃的雀蛋的两倍,所以大部分的雀蛋是孵出小山雀的。 ecocn

Soon, a baby dinosaur will hatch from it.
很快,一只小恐龙将从里面孵化出来。 ebigear

The Nile crocodile rolled its eggs gently in its teeth to help them hatch.
尼罗河鳄是通过在其齿腔内轻轻滚动鳄蛋来帮助孵化。 ecocn

The episodes in the hatch bring science to the forefront in the series, and remain intriguing for the jury- rigged nature of the computers and other equipment.
在舱内的剧集将科学带到了这部剧的最前沿,临时性质的电脑和其他设备让本剧继续保持吸引力。 yeeyan

The problems do not end if crocodiles successfully hatch from the eggs.
即使鳄鱼成功地从卵中孵化出来,这些问题也不会终止。 yeeyan

The red hut contains a bathroom and a hatch in the floor.

This means the nymphs will have plenty to eat when they hatch.
这意味着当蛹孵化时需要更多的食物。 yeeyan

When will the baby chickens hatch out?




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