

单词 hastened
释义 has·ten·ed 英'heɪsn美'heɪsn COCA³²⁵⁶⁸BNC²⁵⁴³⁷Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
act or move at high speed;

We have to rush!

hurry--it's late!

move fast;

He rushed down the hall to receive his guests

The cars raced down the street

speed up the progress of; facilitate;

This should expedite the process

cause to occur rapidly;

the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions








speed侧重实际的快速行动,常用词组是speed up。

hasten slowly开头不可太急,先别忙…
近义词 it它run跑fly飞rush冲or或者whisk拂press按hie快走race赛跑skip跳过trot疾走flee逃走trip旅行thrust刺prod刺针dash猛冲step步骤hurry匆忙speed速度haste急速spurt喷出rouse唤醒impel驱使boost提高scoot急走hustle催促bustle喧哗arouse叫醒bestir激励incite煽动propel推进exhort劝诫induce引起scamper蹦跳scuttle煤斗advance前进provoke激怒inspire鼓舞on在 … 之上flit轻快地飞expedite加速excite使兴奋dispatch派遣prompt迅速的scramble混乱quicken使加快stimulate刺激forward向前的accelerate加速make haste赶快sprint全力奔跑scurry小步疾走look sharp赶快forwards向前地animate使有生气precipitate促成festinate仓促的speed up加快速度hightail急忙撤离vivify使赋予生命lope使大步慢跑…move along往前移动pelt along向 … 飞跑step on it赶快goad刺激antedate使 … 提前发生…motivate激发兴趣或欲望…hotfoot烫脚恶作剧在别人鞋底与…反义词 delay耽搁

用作动词Pleasehastenthem to send the sample.请催促他们寄来样品。
Do nothastento bid me adieu.不要告别得那样匆忙。
Shehastenedhome after hearing the news.听到这个消息后,她匆匆忙忙地回家。
Let mehastento say that I could never do such a thing!让我赶快说我永远不能做这样的事情!
Fascism served only tohastenits destruction.法西斯主义只是加速了它的毁灭。
An electric typewriter wouldhastenthe work .电动打字机会加速这项工作。verb.(speed something;hurry
同义词 accelerate,expedite,precipitate,quicken,step up,urgeadvance,bolt,bound,burn,bustle,clip,dash,dispatch,express,flee,fly,gallop,goad,hie,hustle,leap,pace,plunge,press,push,race,run,rush,scamper,scoot,scurry,scuttle,skip,sprint,spurt,tear,trotcover ground,get cracking,get the lead out,haste,make haste,make tracks,move quickly,not lose a minute,shake a leg,step on it,take wing,waste no time,whip around
反义词 check,decelerate,halt,hinder,retard,slow,aid,dawdle,discourage,dissuade,face,help,meet,pull,stand,stay,stop,wait,walkgo slow,lag,linger,loiter,procrastinate,rest,tarry And exclusives by Caijing hastened the demise of some of the more notorious felons in China.
《财经》的独家新闻加速了一些臭名昭著的恶棍的灭亡。 yeeyan

Both computer use and teamwork are becoming ever more central to the American workplace, of course; the restructuring that accompanied the Great Recession has only hastened that trend.
当然,在美国的工作场所中,计算机应用和团队工作都正在成为核心特征;伴随大衰退而来的重组也加速了这种趋势。 yeeyan

But, he says, “ it wasn’t humanly possible.” Lehman’s collapse may even have hastened the ultimate resolution of the crisis.
当是,他认为, “人为角度上是不可能的”, 雷曼兄弟的破产,也可能加速了这场危机的最终解决. yeeyan

On seeing us, they hastened over.

The writing thus fades over the course of time— a process that can be hastened by strong light or heat.
因而书写的文字会在一定时间内褪去,而且强光照射或加热会加速这一进程。 ecocn

The1923 quake and its economic consequences hastened military rule and war.
1923年的地震及其经济后果加速了军事制度的建立和战争。 ecocn.org

But how true is the notion that the internet in particular has hastened the demise of some retailers, and that those it hurt were overwhelmingly small?
有一种观点认为,特定的网络可以加速小商贩的破产,而且损害的仅仅是小群体的利益。但这是事实吗? ecocn

But in the past few years the web has hastened the decline.
但是,在过去的几年里,网络加速了这种下跌的趋势。 ecocn

Ella hastened to assure him that she would be delighted.
埃拉迫不及待地对他说,她很高兴。 jukuu

Leaders are right to feel in their gut what the West grasps only superficially, that the crisis has hastened the “ rise of the rest”.
亚洲领导人切身体会到危机加速了“他者的崛起”,这也是对的,西方人只是肤浅地抓住了这种映像。 ecocn

Moreover, the Obama administration hastened to confirm that Geithner's statement reflected the position of the president.
此外,奥巴马政府加速确认盖特纳的声明反映了总统的立场。 yeeyan

On the following morning he hastened to Rosings to pay his respects.
第二天上午,他赶快到罗新斯去拜会。 hjenglish

Seeing dark clouds cover her face, I hastened to resort to the usual panacea“ I love you.”
看着她那乌云密布的脸,我赶紧使用灵丹妙药:“我爱你!” edu.sina.com.cn

That kind of provocation may have hastened the magazine's first, true death in 1988.
可能是这种触犯众怒的做法加速了1988年杂志第一次真正意义上的倒闭。 ecocn

The upshot hastened Berlusconi’s recent departure.
而其结果也加速了贝鲁斯科尼的离开。 yeeyan

They all hastened away.
他们都匆匆离去。 hjenglish

Whenever I got a letter from anyone at home I hastened to show it to him.
无论什么时候,只要我收到家里任何人的来信,我都立刻交给父亲看。 yeeyan




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