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词汇 Hasdrubal
释义 Hasdrubal

general who commanded a Carthaginian army in Spain; joined his brother Hannibal in Italy and was killed by the Romans at the battle of Metaurus River died 207 BCHasdrubalre-formed his forces and moved into Italy.哈斯德鲁巴重整了他的军队,然后向意大利进军。
At this time in the war Rome was as afraid ofHasdrubalas it was Hannibal.这在罗马引起了恐慌,罗马人害怕他是第二个汉尼拔。
Hannibal's brotherHasdrubalwas defeated by the Romans which ended Hannibal's hopes for success in Italy.汉尼拔的兄弟汉尼拔被罗马人战败结束了汉尼拔在意大利成功的希望。
This was a mistake which made him unpopular in Rome and he could have caughtHasdrubaltoo.这个失误令他在罗马大受批评,毕竟他是能够抓获哈斯德鲁巴的。
After Scipio defeatedHasdrubalBarca in Southern Spain, he allowedHasdrubalto escape.西庇阿在西班牙南部击败哈斯德鲁巴后,却没有乘胜追击。
It is because he marched so far so fast that the Romans defeated and killedHasdrubalBarca.凭借急行军的突然性,罗马人击败并杀死了哈斯德鲁巴。 At this time in the war Rome was as afraid of Hasdrubal as it was Hannibal.
这在罗马引起了恐慌,罗马人害怕他是第二个汉尼拔。 clanlong

After Scipio defeated Hasdrubal Barca in Southern Spain, he allowed Hasdrubal to escape.
西庇阿在西班牙南部击败哈斯德鲁巴后,却没有乘胜追击。 clanlong

This was a mistake which made him unpopular in Rome and he could have caught Hasdrubal too.
这个失误令他在罗马大受批评,毕竟他是能够抓获哈斯德鲁巴的。 clanlong

While Scipio was arriving in Spain, and Nero was already called home, Hasdrubal did manage to take back most of Spain.
就在大西庇阿赶往西班牙就任,尼禄已被召回罗马期间,哈斯德鲁巴乘机夺回了西班牙大部。 clanlong

Hasdrubal re- formed his forces and moved into Italy.
哈斯德鲁巴重整了他的军队,然后向意大利进军。 clanlong




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