释义 |
Harr. 基本例句 🌏哈迪森;哈利·波特;哈里·布朗 Conclusion:The results indicated that there was cross-resistance between DNR andHarrfor AML cells.结论:白血病细胞对上述两种药物有交叉耐药性。 This paper discusses the theoretical basis for rms measurements of power system directly from theHarrwavelet transform data associated with each sampling voltage and current element pair.讨论了利用电压和电流采样值直接进行Harr小波变换,从而实现对电压和电流有效值的测量。 The genesis of “A Civil Action” began more than a decade ago when author JonathanHarrdecided to write a book about the case, an endeavor that ultimately took him nine years to complete.他继续上诉,亲身找寻更有力证据,终于花了八年时间,获得胜诉。除了要两大企业赔偿逾七千万美元予死者家属,判决更教法律界对晶另眼相看。 HARR WAVELET BASED ADAPTIVE ACOUSTIC ECHO CANCELLATION基于Harr小波变换的自适应声回波对消 Harrcondition;哈尔条件 |