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harm 英hɑːm美hɑrmAHDhärm ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛4八COCA⁴⁹⁰²BNC⁴⁷²⁵iWeb³⁹⁷³Economist²¹⁹⁵ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.危害³³;伤害⁴⁹;损害¹⁸vt.伤害;损害过去分词harmed现在分词harming三单harms n.名词 U损害,危害,伤害damage or wrong v.动词 vt. 使受到损害,伤害cause harm to; hurt Noun: any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.the occurrence of a change for the worsethe act of damaging something or someone Verb: cause or do harm to;These pills won't harm your system v.动词 harm, damage, hurt, impair, injure, wound这组词的共同意思是“损害,损伤”。impair表示损伤某人〔物〕而导致削弱、缩小或减少其使用价值,也可指情绪的损伤; damage表示损害了表面,损害了人或物的某个部分或使之完全失掉用途; harm表示人的心理、健康、权力或事业上的损害,程度较轻; hurt多用来表示伤害身体或某一部位,或表示剧烈的疼痛或精神上受到伤害; injure表示身体或精神上各种性质及任何程度的伤害,多表示意外受伤; wound主要指在战斗中武器或凶器等造成的外伤或剧烈的痛苦。 harm, spoil这组词的共同意思是“损害”。其区别在于: 1.harm常指肉体或精神受到“损伤”,也可指某事〔物〕受到“损害”或“损失”,带来烦恼及不便; 而spoil常指力量、价值等的降低或事物的最终毁灭,也可指日常生活中某事不顺利或碰钉子等。 2.harm语气较弱; 而spoil则语气较强。 来自古英语hearm,伤害,疼痛,来自PIE*kormo,伤痛。 用作名词 n. 动词+~cause harm造成伤害do sb 〔sth 〕 harm损害某人〔某物〕mean〔think〕 no harm没有恶意形容词+~bodily harm人身伤害serious〔slight〕 harm严重〔轻微〕伤害介词+~without harm没有损害〔伤害〕~+介词harm to对…有害 用作名词n.come to harm受到损害be hurt do more harm than good弊大于利have an effect which is more damaging than helpful out of harm's way在安全的地方in a safe place there is no harm in v-ing做某事无害反而带来某些好处(nothing is lost by doing sth and some good may result from it) 故事记忆一早来到 Farm农场农场村民 Swarm涌入一睹明星 Charm魅力为防把她 Harm伤害保镖拿出 Arm武器村民受到 Alarm警示非常记忆h椅子〖编码〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗+m山〖编码〗⇒椅子上的矮人在山里受伤了小学英语速记音律记忆:我在farm农场,无心harm伤害,伤到arm手臂近义词 hurtinjuren. damageinjuryv. damage反义词 profit利润 用作名词n.Her film was a complete failure, and this did her reputation a lot of harm.她这部电影是彻底的失败了,使她的名声受到很大的损害。 Excessive drinking will do you harm.过量饮酒对身体有害。 He means no harm by saying what he thinks, but people tend to be upset by it.他想到什么就说什么,并无恶意,但人们听了心里总是不舒服。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~ n. / pron.I have never harmed anyone.我从没伤害过任何人。 Smoking harms our health.吸烟有害健康。 There was a fire in our street, but no one washarmed.我们街上发生了火灾,但无人受伤。Punharmfula.无害的Pharmfula.有害的伤害的Punharminga.不伤人的无害的Pharmlessa.无害处的未受损害的无辜的无恶意的Punharmeda.没有受伤的没有受害的无恙的平安的
动词76%,名词24% 用作名词If we interfere, it may do moreharmthan good.倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。 It wouldn't do him anyharmto work a bit harder.工作努力点对他没什么害处。 The army defends the people fromharm.军队保护人民免遭伤害。 His failures did his reputation a lot ofharm.他屡次失败使他的声誉受到很大损害。 Excessive drinking didharmto his health.过量饮酒损害了他的健康。用作及物动词There was a traffic accident in this street, but no one washarmed.这街上发生了交通事故,但没有人受伤。 We little believed that he wouldharmus.我们一点也不相信他会伤害我们。 I won'tharmyou if you let me talk.只要你让我谈,我就不伤害你。 Don'tharmyour eyes by reading in dim light.不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免损害眼睛。 Will this cleaning fluidharmthe furniture?这种清洁剂会损害家俱吗? It didharmthe relative power of the Japannese state.它损害了日本国的相对实力。noun.injury, evil 同义词 abuse,damage,disservice,impairment,loss,mischief,misuse,sabotage,vandalism,violence,wrongdetriment,hurt,ill,immorality,infliction,iniquity,marring,mischance,misfortune,noxiousness,outrage,perniciousness,prejudice,ravage,ruin,ruination,sin,sinfulness,vice,wickednessbanefulness,deleteriousness,foul play,wear and tear 反义词 favor,help,kindness,benefit,goodness,happiness,profit,virtueadvantage,blessing,good,pleasureverb.injure;cause evil 同义词 abuse,cripple,damage,hurt,impair,inconvenience,maim,mar,outrage,prejudice,ruin,sabotage,sap,shatter,shock,tarnish,trample,traumatize,undermine,wreckblemish,bruise,crush,dilapidate,discommode,get,ill-treat,incommode,maltreat,mangle,misuse,molest,mutilate,nick,scathe,spoil,stab,total,tweak,vandalize,vitiate,wing,wound,wrench,wrong,zingdisserve,do violence to,dump on,louse up,mess up,muck up,put down 反义词 aid,approve,assist,benefit,build,create,cure,fix,heal,help,mend,please,repair,respect,strengthen,lose,make happy,protect,surrender,yieldcare,improve abuseverb physically hurt or injure bang up,beat up,bung up,corrupt,cut up,damage,defile,deprave,desecrate,hose,ill-treat,impair,maltreat,mar,mess up,mishandle,mistreat,misuse,molest,oppress,persecute,pollute,rough up,roughhouse,ruin,shake up,spoil,taint,total,victimize,violate,wax abusenoun physical hurting, injuring crime,damage,defilement,harm,hurt,impairment,injury,malevolence,maltreatment,manhandling,misdeed,offense,pollution,violation,wrongdoing attackverb assault physically advance,aggress,ambush,assail,assault,bash,bat,bean,beat,beset,besiege,biff,blast,boff,bombard,boot,bop,brain,bust,charge,chop down,clip,clock,club,combat,cook,harm,hit,hurt,infiltrate,invade,jump,kick,knock block off,knock cold,knock for a loop,larrup,lay siege to,light into,molest,mug,overwhelm,pounce upon,punch,raid,rush,set upon,slog,soak,stab,storm,strike,take the offensive,turn on,wallop,whop attacksverb assault physically advances,aggresses,ambushes,assails,assaults,bashes,bats,beans,beats,besets,besieges,biffs,blasts,blisters,boffs,bombards,boots,bops,brains,busts,charges,chops down,clips,clocks,clubs,combats,cooks,harms,hits,hurts,infiltrates,invades,jumps,kicks,knocks block off,knocks cold,knocks for a loop,larrups,lies siege to,light into,molests,mugs,overwhelms,pounce upon,punches,raids,rushes,sets upon,slogs,soaks,stabs,storms,strikes,takes the offensive,turns on,wallops,whops blemishverb flaw, disfigure blot,blotch,blur,damage,deface,distort,harm,hurt,impair,injure,maim,mangle,mar,mark,mutilate,pervert,prejudice,scar,smudge,spoil,spot,stain,sully,taint,tarnish,twist,vitiate,wrench brutalizeverb abuse harm,hurt,ill-treat,maltreat,mistreat,torment Over the years I have learned what harm can come from gossip or just talking about other people. 这些年来我已了解到犯长舌或只是谈论一下别人可造成的伤害有多大。 cri “ I had read all of it and made a judgment of the 7, 000 papers and concluded they deserved to be out and would not harm any Americans, ” he said. 他说,“我曾阅读了所有的7,000份文件,并对其一一作出判断。 最后我认为这些文件应当得到公布,此举不会伤害到任何美国人”。 yeeyan “ The whole thing was a big bomb to my family and me and it caused great harm, ” she said. “整个事情对于我和我的家人来说是一颗巨大的炸弹,它给我们造成了极大伤害,”她说道。 yeeyan At all distances, the laser does not cause any harm to eyes. 在任何距离上,激光都不会对人眼造成任何伤害。 yeeyan But it shows that a malicious programmer can cause a lot of harm quite easily. 但是它显示了一个恶意的程序员可以很容易的导致许多损害。 ibm But whenever you cause harm, you should normally compensate the victim. 但是不论何时造成伤害,你都应当正常的赔偿受害者。 yeeyan Can you discern that your enemies are doing harm to you? 你能识别出你的敌人正在损害你吗?《21世纪大英汉词典》 If you ever need to change these settings, you should fully understand how they work so you don't cause serious harm to your system. 如果您需要更改这些设置,则需要完全理解它们的工作原理,这样就不会对您的系统造成严重损害。 ibm It encourages people to smoke less, so they do themselves and those around them less harm. 它鼓励人们少抽点烟,这样不论是对自己还是对他人都少些危害。 ecocn It is not gravely sinful because it does anybody harm, and that is not the argument. 它们并不是因为对谁造成了人身伤害而是罪孽深重的,那并不是争论所在。 yeeyan It is not just the immediate harm; it is something that lasts a lifetime. 这不仅仅是一种直接、立即的伤害,这可是会持续终生的。 yeeyan Love trumps all, romantics say, so there’s no harm in enjoying some of life’s luxuries along the way. 浪漫主义者说,爱情高于一切,所以用这种方式来享受生活的奢华不会造成什么伤害。 yeeyan Many animals can harm me, but I do not harm them. 许多动物可能会伤害我,但我不伤害它们。 eol No harm would come to us. 我们不会受到伤害。《21世纪大英汉词典》 One disease on our agenda causes immense suffering in large parts of the world, but does its greatest harm in Africa. 我们的议程上有一种疾病在世界上许多地方造成巨大的痛苦,但在非洲产生最大的危害。 who She could have been cruel in revenge for the harm she had experienced. 她本来可能因为她所经历的伤害而进行残酷的报复。 yeeyan The researchers found that if they stretched out the substance in a second direction perpendicular to the first, it could then be stretched in any direction without harm. 研究人员发现,如果向着第一次拉伸的垂直方向拉扯,它仍然能够向着任何方向毫无损害地任意伸展。 huanqiu The question has to do with harm. 这是一个涉及到损害的问题。 ibm We cannot shut our eyes to things that harm the interests of the masses. 对于损害群众利益的事情,我们不能听之任之。《新英汉大辞典》 We can use it to create value either through adopting practices or transformations while not doing harm to companies. 我们可以用它来实施实践或转换,从而创建价值,而不是做伤害公司的事情。 infoq We have already touched on the issue of harm in our discussion of trust. 我们已经在关于信任的讨论中略微谈到伤害的问题。 ibm We hope this incident will not bring any harm to our pleasant relations. 我们希望此事不会给我们的良好关系带来任何损害。 examw You and I are not terrorists, but we do harm and hurt others with our own selfish decisions and actions. 你和我都不是恐怖主义者,但实际上我们也曾出于自私的决定、用自私的行为伤害过其他的人。 yeeyan |