

单词 harlots
释义 harlots ˈhɑ:ləts COCA¹⁰⁰¹⁸⁶BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
n.妓女;人尽可夫的女人harlot的名词复数;路柳墙花原型harlot的三单 Lady, Queen of Harlots and of Soldiers, I call to Thee!
女王,神女与士兵之后,吾呼唤汝! cndkc

The catamites of Greece, the harlots of India…
希腊的宠妓,印度的娼妇… renren

Behold, I am against you, oh nation of harlots!
看哪,我与你,哦民族的娼妓! zh.lyricside.altervista.org

But limited places provoked riots, and the hospital could not, as it had intended, single out the children of mothers who were not harlots.
不过医院有限的空间引发了骚乱,医院不能够如原来所愿挑选出非妓女母亲的孩子。 ecocn

No one is calling these women harlots.
可没有人叫这些已婚妇女妓女。 yeeyan

The woman wears on her forehead a name written“Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.”
这个女人在她的前额上写着名号:“大巴比伦——世上淫妇和一切可憎之物的母。” qiudao




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