

单词 hare
释义 hare 英heə美hɛrAHDhâr ★☆☆☆☆常高四六4八COCA¹⁵⁵³²BNC¹⁰⁵⁷¹iWeb¹³⁵³⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs; young born furred and with open eyesflesh of any of various rabbits or hares wild or domesticated eaten as food
run quickly, like a hare;

He hared down the hill

可能来自PIE*kas,灰色,灰白色,词源同hazy,hoar,canus拉丁文,灰白的。后指灰白色的野兔。run with the hare and hunt with the hounds两面讨好hare coursing追逐野兔start a hare在讨论中提出枝节问题…make a hare of someone嘲弄某人hare-hearted胆小的hare-brained轻率的jugged hare罐炖野兔肉Hare Krishna克利须set the tortoise to catch the hare做不可能做到的事…as timid as a hare胆小如鼠hare off匆匆离去逃跑…catch a hare with a tabor敲小鼓捉野兔…cook one's hare before it is caught还没捉到兔子就要吃兔…The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.兔子睡大觉,乌龟跑第…hold with the hare and hunt with the houndshold with …march hare发情期的野兔…snowshoe hare【动物sea hare海兔as mad as a march hare非常疯狂
故事记忆我变成了 Hare兔子土著上身 Bare赤裸的个个对我 Glare瞪眼他们围在 Square广场说要把我 Share分享挣扎无人 Care在意突然间 I’ Maware意识到 It’ Sanightmare噩梦故事记忆有一个 Hare野兔非常的 Rare稀少小脑袋 Bare秃的大眼睛 Glare瞪眼被猎手 Scare害怕跑到了 Square广场被杀了 Share分享没有人 Care在意非常记忆h椅子〖编码〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗+e鹅〖编码〗⇒椅子上的矮人抱着鹅和野兔批发商品ware费用fare低廉野兔hare动作非常敏捷yare故事记忆一只 Hare野兔居然 Dare敢对我 Stare盯近义词 rabbit兔子leveret小兔lapin兔皮毛jackrabbit长耳大野兔cottontail动棉尾兔一种产于北…反义词 rabbit兔子

用作名词They went hunting forhares.他们出去打野兔了。
He took a bead on thehareand then fired.他瞄准了野兔,然后开枪。
Aharehopped straight into the doorway.一只野兔跳进了门廊里。
The hunter watched for thehareto come out of the burrow.猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。用作动词Hurry up, let's catch up the guy whoharedaway.快点,追上那个逃跑的家伙。
Heharedoff down the road.他沿着大路飞奔。noun.(rabbitlike animal
同义词 coney,lagomorph,leveret
rabbitnoun animal
rabbitsnoun animal
bucks,bunnies,capons,chinchillas,coneys,conies,cottontails,cuniculuses,does,hares,lagomorphs,lapins,rodents He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight.
早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。 ebigear

Pulling the faeces apart to see what they contained revealed that wolves seem to prefer roe deer, but also ate wild boar, hare and badger.
通过分解粪便可以看出,狼似乎更喜欢狍,而且还吃野猪、野兔和獾。 ecocn

The bride cried and said nothing. The hare went away.
被当成新娘的姑娘一言不发地抽泣起来,兔子走了出去。 ebigear

The pegre is always the poor pegre, and he is always the hare in hiding, the fugitive mouse, the flying bird.
鬼蜮社会自称为“可怜的鬼蜮社会”,它总是象一只随时隐藏的野兔、逃窜的老鼠、飞走的小鸟。 ebigear

The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance. By Edmund de Waal.
《镶有琥珀眼睛的兔子:一份不为人知的遗产》作者埃德蒙。 ecocn

Then the hare saw that this was not his bride, and he sadly went away.
小兔子发现这不是它要的新娘,十分难过地离开了那里。 ebigear

“ Beware the software in the warehouse during the warfare, ” hare said glaring at me.
兔子怒视着我说:“战争期间当心仓库里的软件。” ebigear

“ He’s behind me, ” Witty Hare says proudly.
“它在我后面呢。”机灵兔子自豪地说着。 ebigear

Another interpretation is that the hare loses the race because he is overconfident.
另一种释义则是,兔子之所以会失掉比赛是因为他自己的过度自满。 yeeyan

Because it makes its home in an extreme environment, the desert hare is biologically designed to radiate excess heat through its lanky limbs and oversized ears.
因为生长在极端环境中,沙漠兔子形成了独特的生物学构造,通过瘦长的四肢和超大的耳朵辐射多余的热量。 yeeyan

Does everybody see‘ Hare’ to the right of the column?
有人在柱子的右边看到“野兔”了吗? yeeyan

' Fifteenth,' said the March Hare.
“是十五日。”三月兔说。 hjenglish

He found the shin- bone of a hare lying on the grass.
他在草地上发现一根野兔的胫骨,骨头上有个洞; yeeyan

He moved on as he spoke, and the Dormouse followed him: the March Hare moved into the Dormouse's place, and Alice rather unwillingly took the place of the March Hare.
他说着就挪到了下一个位子上,睡鼠跟着挪了,三月兔挪到了睡鼠的位子上,爱丽丝很不情愿地坐到了三月兔的位子上。 hjenglish

One day a hare was telling the other animals how fast he could run.
一天,兔子正在向其他动物炫耀他能跑得很快。 ebigear

The Hatter was the only one who got any advantage from the change: and Alice was a good deal worse off than before, as the March Hare had just upset the milk jug into his plate.
这次挪动唯一得到好处的是帽匠,爱丽丝的位子比以前差多了,因为三月兔把牛奶罐打翻在位子上了。 hjenglish

The hare ran fast and was soon far ahead, so he sat down to rest.
兔子跑得飞快,很快就跑到了前面,所以他坐下来休息。 ebigear

They are not so very different to the large “ hare” pockets on the inside of field coats worn by country gents that will hold birds and rabbits felled with a shotgun.
同乡村绅士们用来装被猎枪击中的鸟儿和野兔的,缝在猎场外套内部的“兔子”口袋相比,它们没什么不同。 ecocn

When the sun broke through the clouds, the hare reverted to a more familiar posture.
但当阳光穿透云层,兔子一瞬间恢复了正常的姿势。 yeeyan

'Nay, ' answered the Hare, ' but as thou dealt with me, so I did deal with thee, ' and it ran away swiftly, and the Star- Child went towards the city.
“哪里的话,”小野兔答道,“我只不过像你帮我一样的帮你。” 说完敏捷的跑开了,星孩则向那座城走去。 yeeyan

'Nay, but thou hadst pity on me first, ' said the Hare, and it ran away swiftly.
“没什么,是你先救了我。”小野兔说着,又转身迅速的跑开了。 yeeyan




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