

单词 hardworking
释义 hardworking 英'hɑːd,wɜːkɪŋ美'hɑrd,wɝkɪŋ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²¹⁰³⁴BNC²⁹⁵⁸⁶Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

characterized by hard work and perseverance钱博士hard努力+work工作+ing现在分词形式,构成形容词,表能力和倾向⇒努力工作的hard努力+work工作+ing现在分词形式,构成形容词,表能力和倾向⇒努力工作的。蒋争熟词记忆hard努力workn.工作/劳动-ing…的⇒努力工作的;勤勉的近义词 reliable可靠的industrious勤劳的tireless不知疲倦的untiring不知疲倦的

用作形容词She is considered to be the mosthardworkingin the office.她被认为是办公室最努力工作的人。
China is full ofhardworkingpeople.中国到处都是勤奋的人。
Hardworking students may see a quick improvement in their English level after a few weeks of study at our school.勤奋的学生在我们的学校学习几个星期以后他们的英语水平就会有很明显的进步。adj.conscientious
同义词 dedicated,diligentassiduous,persevering,sedulous
反义词 lazy
businesslikeadjective efficient, professional
enterprisingadjective resourceful, energetic
active,advancing,adventurous,aggressive,alert,ambitious,aspiring,audacious,bold,busy,coming on strong,craving,daring,dashing,diligent,driving,eager,enthusiastic,go ahead,go-go,gumptious,hard ball,hardworking,hungry,hustling,industrious,intrepid,itching,keen,lively,lusting,peppy,progressive,pushing,ready,self-starting,snappy,spanking,spark plug,spirited,stirring,takeover,up-and-coming,venturesome,vigorous,yearning,zealous,zippy A lot is made of the famous Chinese work ethic: people maintain we're hardworking by nature.
命运由中国人著名的工作品质决定:大家坚持认为我们天生勤劳。 yeeyan

The man, by the way, has lived in the US longer than I have, and is a university researcher on climate change, hardworking and honest.
顺便说一句,这位伙伴居住在美国的时间比我要长,他是一位大学里勤奋、诚实的气候变换研究员。 yeeyan

They’re the bedrock of family life, hardworking moms who feed and raise kids while their fathers are out roaming.
勤劳的妈妈们是家庭生活的基础,当爸爸们在外闲逛时她们却在喂养家里的孩子们。 yeeyan

“ These are very tough times for hardworking families, but the toll would be far worse if we had not acted, ” he said.
“现在对于努力工作的家庭来讲是艰难时期,但如果我们不采取任何措施,代价会更大,”他说。 yeeyan

Across the country, there are extraordinary, hardworking journalists who have lost their jobs in recent days, recent weeks, recent months.
最近几天、最近几周、最近几个月里,全国各地有些杰出勤奋的新闻工作者已经失业。 yeeyan

All of this will also be reflected in your attitude, so that it tells the interviewer that you are a responsible and hardworking person.
所有这一切都会在你的态度中表现出来,因此这会让面试官知道你是一个既负责任又肯勤奋工作的人。 kekenet

But maybe the kids who got into Yale were simply more talented or hardworking than those who got into Tulane.
然而,进入耶鲁大学的学生也许只是比在杜兰大学就读的学生更有天赋或更加勤奋。 blog.sina.com.cn

Family value, hardworking, and education.
家庭、勤奋和教育。 ebigear

I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit.

In the film she was cast as a hardworking upright middleaged woman.

Its diplomats are the most numerous and hardworking in all of Asia, spreading a form of regionalist“ Asian values” that is specifically designed to exclude American influence.
中国拥有亚洲数量最庞大、最勤奋的外交官,他们正在传播一种地区主义的“亚洲价值观”,为的是消除美国在亚洲的影响力。 yeeyan

Often, busy people end up with more work on their desk because they're recognized as being efficient and hardworking.
通常,忙碌的人能在办公桌前处理掉更多的工作,因为他们被认为是高效且勤奋的。 yeeyan

The charismatic CEO had assembled a team of young followers who took to heart his vision of creating jobs for the hardworking.
那位极具个人魅力的首席执行官集结了一批年轻追随者,他们谨记他“勤劳的人才有工作”的观点。 kekenet

The aim is to behave like a good coach, and channel your charisma to motivate others to be hardworking and creative.
这种模式的目标是让领导像一位好教练那样行动,发挥个人魅力,激励他人努力工作并用于创新。 yeeyan

They were all patriotic, intelligent, and hardworking, and they genuinely seemed to want an agreement.
他们都很爱国、聪明、勤奋,而且看上去确实诚心诚意想达成协议。 yeeyan

To me, that's even more sobering: hardworking people who are often full of tremendous imagination and energy can still bring enterprises down.
对我来说,这样的现实很残酷:工作勤奋别且富有激情和想象力的人仍会导致公司倒闭。 yeeyan

Yet the precise contours of oxytocin’s hardworking receptor differ among individuals, to apparently noticeable effect.
然而勤劳的催产素受体,因个体差异,外形不同,对人体的作用力也不同。 yeeyan

Yet everywhere we went, I met intelligent, hardworking people who were capable of contributing much more to the economy.
然而,我们每到一处都能遇到有才智的、勤奋的人们,他们有能力为国家经济做出更多贡献。 yeeyan

Hardworking Americans who could once count on a single paycheck to support their families have not only lost jobs, but their health care and their pensions as well.
一度靠单一收入养家糊口的勤劳的美国人不仅丢了工作,就连医疗保险金和养老金也一并失去了。 cri




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