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Hard roof rocks 基本例句 坚硬顶板 The longwall may relax some safety problems, but the other safety problems such as hard roof rock, the colliding and friction of the caved rock each other may be induced or intensified .但是也可能诱发一些安全问题,如坚硬顶板对支架的冲击、采空区垮落岩石的撞击与摩擦诱发瓦斯事故等。 Discussion on underground longwall mining method for extraction of Indian shallow thick coal seams under hard roof rocks印度浅埋坚硬顶板厚煤层开采方法探讨 In mining, if the hard roof is submitted to shear failure, the sidesteps might sink or even collapse.摘要综放面开采过程中,坚硬顶板超前剪切破坏,会造成工作面台阶下沉,甚至工作面整体垮落。 |