

单词 harasser
释义 ha·rass·er 英'hærəs美'hærəs 高COCA⁶²³⁶⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb³⁶⁵⁷⁵
annoy continually or chronically;

He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked

This man harasses his female co-workers

exhaust by attacking repeatedly;

harass the enemy

harass the life out of someone没完没了地纠缠某人…
近义词 ride骑bait饵badger獾worry撕咬hound猎狗beset包围vex使恼怒spite恶意bother烦扰pester纠缠hassle困难pursue追求stress压力molest骚扰plague瘟疫rack行李架chivvy催促trouble困难annoy使恼怒torment苦痛disturb扰乱provoke激怒threaten威胁harry不断骚扰persecute迫害oppress使烦恼chivy打猎叫喊intimidate胁迫bully欺凌弱小者haunt常到的地方chevy打猎时的叫喊…tantalize以可望而不可即之物逗…

用作及物动词The Mongols would harass the enemy from the sides until the latter were exhausted, then close in for the kill.蒙古军会从四面八方不断侵扰敌人,直到敌人筋疲力尽,再包围并一举歼灭。
They received the order to harass the enemy's rear.他们接到骚扰敌人后方的命令。
The guerrillas lay up by day, and by night sallied out to harass the enemy.游击队员们白天隐藏起来,夜晚进行出击,骚扰敌人。as in.browbeater
同义词 bulldozer,intimidator,ruffian,tormentor,tyrantas in.bulldozer
同义词 ruffian,tormentor,tyrantbrowbeater,intimidator
browbeaternoun bully
bulldozernoun bully
browbeater,harasser,intimidator,ruffian,tormentor,tyrant The harasser may question your job performance in order to justify his behavior.
骚扰者为了证明他的行为是正当的,可能要质问你的工作表现。 iliyu

There is usually more than one type of harassing behavior present, so a single harasser will often fit more than one category. These are brief summations of each type.
性骚扰行为经常以多种形式出现,所以骚扰者的行为往往同时符合多个类型。以下是性骚扰类型的汇总。 tianyablog

Complain loudly and clearly to prevent the harasser from doing it again to others!
大声、明确地控诉,防止骚扰者再次对其他人进行骚扰。 blog.sina.com.cn

Dominance harasser the most common type, who engages in harassing behaviour as an ego boost.
支配型的性骚扰者是最常见的类型,这类人把实施性骚扰作为实现自我膨胀的手段。 tianyablog

If it persists, write a memo to the harasser asking him to stop;
如果骚扰还在继续,给骚扰者写一份备忘录要求他停住; for68

Inform the alleged harasser of the details of the allegations;
通知被指称的骚扰者有关指控的详情; smcc-canossian

Tell the complainant and the alleged harasser how the investigation will be conducted and who is responsible for the investigation;
告知投诉人和被指称的骚扰者会如何进行调查,以及谁人负责处理有关调查; smcc-canossian

The harasser can be anyone, such as a client, a co-worker, a teacher or professor, a student, a friend, or a stranger.
骚扰者可以是任何人,比如客户,同事,教师或教授,学生,朋友或陌生人。 tianyablog

You also run the risk that eventually you run out of pictures and your sexual harasser also has to play the role of senior manager.
你也要冒着最终所有图片都用尽和性骚扰者成为你的高级经理的风险。 yeeyan




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