

单词 haranguing
释义 ha·rangue 英hə'ræŋ美hə'ræŋ COCA⁶⁹⁶³⁸BNC⁶⁷²²⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
deliver a harangue to; address forcefully近义词 rant咆哮scold责骂address住址lecture讲课jeremiad悲叹scolding责骂criticize批评sermonize说教criticism批评perorate作结语diatribe长篇抨击tirade长篇的攻击性演说…berate〈正式或文〉严厉责备…ranting动词rant的现在进行式…

用作动词He walked to the front of the stage and began toharanguethe audience.他走到台前,开始对听众慷慨陈辞。
He plans toharanguehis fellow students and persuade them to walk out of the classroom.他计划对他的同学慷慨陈词以说服他们罢课。用作名词Theharangueis very serious.那篇长篇演说很郑重其事。
We had to listen to a longharangueabout nothing.我们不得不去听了空洞的长篇大论。
The minister of propaganda delivered his usualharangue.宣传部长一如既往发表了他的长篇大论。as in.declamation
同义词 oratory,speechmakingspeechifying,spouting
declamationnoun ranting
oratory,speechifying,speechmaking,spouting Golkar, Suharto’s own party, had been haranguing Ms Mulyani for months, accusing her of malfeasance in bailing out a private bank in2008.
苏哈托自己的党派—从业党—数月以来一直揪着英德拉瓦蒂不放,指控她在2008年救急一家私人银行时有渎职行为。 ecocn

A Russian soldier at the checkpoint told Tsisana Tabadtadze, a Georgian refugee from South Ossetia who was haranguing him, that he came from Yaroslavl, 250km north-east of Moscow.
检查点的一名俄罗斯士兵对一直对他喋喋不休的南奥赛梯格鲁吉亚难民 Tsisana说,他来自与距莫斯科东北方向250公里的 Yaroslavl。 ecocn

First, there is absolutely no way that China will cave in to such public haranguing and reform their currency system.
首先,很明显中国不会屈服于这种指责并改革其货币系统。 yeeyan

He has made enemies of the businessmen who are needed to drive forward America’s recovery, haranguing them as fat cats and speculators.
他将那些能够为美国经济恢复带来前进动力的商人视为敌人,大骂他们是肥猫和投机分子。 ecocn

He has made enemies of the businessmen who are needed to drive forward America's recovery, haranguing them as fat cats and speculators.
他把带动美国复苏的商人视为仇敌,大声斥责他们贪得无厌,典型的投机着。 yeeyan

He made public campaigns haranguing fellow business leaders to follow his lead.
他发起了公开运动呼吁其它商业领袖追随他的步伐。 blog.sina.com.cn

I have been haranguing him for the past few months about doing more on mobile devices.
在过去的几个月里,我一直在跟他热烈讨论,希望他在移动设备上多下点功夫。 cnblogs

In America, too, politicians are haranguing oil bosses and calling for tax cuts.
在美国也是一样,政客们正慷慨激昂地对着石油巨头们发表演说,并呼吁减税。 ecocn

Qaddafi never stopped haranguing U. S. diplomats about his hatred for Al Qaeda and about American support for Al Qaeda's first home, Saudi Arabia.
卡扎菲就不停地与美国大使说,他是多么痛恨基地组织,还总是对美国支持基地组织发源地沙特阿拉伯的事情颇有微词。 bokerb

She was haranguing Mademoiselle Baptistine on a subject which was familiar to her and to which the Bishop was also accustomed. The question concerned the lock upon the entrance door.
她正和“姑娘”谈着一个她所熟悉而主教也听惯了的问题,那就是关于大门的门闩问题。 ebigear

Television images of Greeks haranguing their government over reforms do not help.
电视上播放的希腊民众呵斥政府改革方案的画面并无正面作用。 ecocn




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