

单词 harar
释义 harar
The country has dozens of great journeys, but a trip east from Addis Ababa to Harar is the pick of the bunch.
埃塞俄比亚有十几条很好的旅游路线,但是从亚的斯亚贝巴到哈拉的旅程是最值得选择的。 yeeyan

My bus broke down before it got to Harar and I finished the journey sharing a car with a group of Somalians who wanted me to accompany them to Mogadishu.
我乘坐的公共汽车在到达哈拉前就抛锚了,我中断了搭乘公车的旅程,搭上了一辆索马里人的汽车,他们要我一同去摩加迪沙。 yeeyan

The fourth holiest city of Islam, Harar has82 mosques within its16th- century walls.
哈拉作为伊斯兰教的第四大圣城,在它16世纪的城墙里面有82座清真寺。 yeeyan

The car park reserved for disabled persons is in via Harar.
为残障人士保留的停车区域在阿拉尔路。 argstorm




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