

单词 harangues
释义 ha·rangue·s 英hə'ræŋ美hə'ræŋ COCA⁷⁴⁸²⁹BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
deliver a harangue to; address forcefully近义词 rant咆哮scold责骂address住址lecture讲课jeremiad悲叹scolding责骂criticize批评sermonize说教criticism批评perorate作结语diatribe长篇抨击tirade长篇的攻击性演说…berate〈正式或文〉严厉责备…ranting动词rant的现在进行式…

用作动词He walked to the front of the stage and began toharanguethe audience.他走到台前,开始对听众慷慨陈辞。
He plans toharanguehis fellow students and persuade them to walk out of the classroom.他计划对他的同学慷慨陈词以说服他们罢课。用作名词Theharangueis very serious.那篇长篇演说很郑重其事。
We had to listen to a longharangueabout nothing.我们不得不去听了空洞的长篇大论。
The minister of propaganda delivered his usualharangue.宣传部长一如既往发表了他的长篇大论。noun.long lecture
同义词 diatribe,discourse,jeremiad,oration,screed,spiel,tiradeaddress,declamation,exhortation,hassle,philippic,sermon,speech,spoutingchewing outreading outverb.give a long lecture
同义词 accostdeclaim,orate,stump,spout,exhort,spiel,rant,perorate,address,ravechew outbuttonholesoapbox,apostrophizeget on a soapbox,go on about,hold forth,talk to,yell at China’s friend-in-need sympathy to the EU’s stricken economies seems in sharp contrast to the harangues to which some of its officials and academics were subjecting the EU just a year ago.
中国对困难重重欧盟经济体患难之交般的同情似乎与一些中国官员和学者几年前对欧洲的长篇大论形成鲜明的对比。 yeeyan

Napoleon gallops past the line of fugitives, harangues, urges, threatens, entreats them.
拿破仑奔驰在那些逃兵的面前,鼓励他们,督促他们,威吓他们,央求他们。 ebigear

Tensions surface in the mysterious occasional harangues in the press against those calling though not in public for the “ depoliticisation” and“ nationalisation” of the armed forces.
紧张局势浮现在媒体上偶发的匪夷所思的长篇大论中,这些文章鼓吹反对武装力量的“去政治化”和“国有化”。 ecocn




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