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词汇 analgesic
释义 analgesic ˌænəlˈdʒiːzɪk 
n.镇痛剂a drug that takes pain awaya.止痛的relieving pain
a medicine used to relieve pain
capable of relieving pain;

the anodyne properties of certain drugs

an analgesic effect

发音释义:'ænl'dʒizɪk n. 止痛剂;药 镇痛剂adj. 止痛的
结构分析:analgesic = analgesia无痛+ic形容词后缀→止痛的→止痛剂antipyretic analgesic解热镇痛药narcotic analgesic麻药性止痛剂…analgesic nephropathy止痛药肾病变…analgesic therapy定痛
GRE红宝书an没有, alge痛, sic药-止痛药
an 无 + alg 痛→止痛药, alg 同ache, g=k=ch
an没有+alg痛+es ic药→止痛药
GRE难词记忆analgesic→an不+alg痛+ic→不痛的→止痛的an-不|无-algeS,-ic…的⇒n.镇痛剂adj.止痛的⁵³词根记忆an无+alg+esic药物=无痛药物=止痛药GRE难词记忆alg→lag v.落后→因为腿痛而落后近义词 anodyne止痛药narcotic麻醉药numbing使麻木的analgetic止痛药painkiller止痛药palliative减轻的anesthetic麻醉剂deadening隔音材料anaesthetic麻醉的pain reliever镇痛药depressant有镇静作用的…

用作名词Aspirin is a mildanalgesic.阿司匹林是药性平和的止痛药。
The roots can be used medicinally as ananalgesic.根罐装可药用作为一种止痛药。用作形容词Propofol has no muscle relaxant oranalgesicproperties.异丙酚没有肌松和镇痛作用。noun.pain remover
同义词 anesthetic,anodyne,painkillersoother
anaestheticsnoun sleep-inducing or numbing drug
anestheticnoun sleep-inducer
anodyne,dope,gas,general anesthetic,hypnosis,inhalant,local anesthetic,opiate,pain-killer,shot,soporific,spinal
anesthetic/anaestheticnoun sleep-inducer
analgesic,anodyne,dope,gas,general anesthetic,hypnotic,inhalant,local anesthetic,narcotic,opiate,pain-killer,shot,soporific,spinal
anestheticsnoun sleep-inducer
analgesics,anodynes,dopes,gases,general anesthetics,hypnoses,inhalants,local anesthetics,opiates,pain-killers,shots,soporifics,spinals
balmnoun oily substance
analgesic,application,balsam,cerate,compound,cream,demulcent,dressing,embrocation,emollient,formula,lotion,medicine,ointment,potion,poultice,preparation,prescription,salve,soother,soothing agent,unction,unguent
narcoticadjective dulling, painkilling
analgesic,anesthetic,calming,deadening,hypnotic,numbing,opiate,sedative,somnifacient,somnific,somnolent,somnorific,soporiferous,soporific,stupefacient,stupefactive,stupefying A lot more research is needed before anyone can say that any analgesic is an effective means of treating social pain.
我们还需要更多的研究才能证明镇痛剂对社会疼痛有疗效。 yeeyan

Its analgesic, fever-reducing, and anti- inflammatory effects make it useful in treating headaches, muscle and joint aches, arthritis pain, and the symptoms of mild fevers and infections.
阿司匹林是一种缓和的非麻醉性解热镇痛药,可治疗头痛、肌肉痛、关节痛、退热、消炎、消肿。 jukuu

Our brains secrete norepinephrine when we're angry, a hormone that acts as an analgesic to numb our pain.
当我们愤怒的时候我们的脑会控制肾上腺,一种激素会充当一种麻药来减少我们的疼痛。 yeeyan

The aspirin's analgesic effect would head off hangovers before they even started. Caffeine could be added to keep drinkers awake during boring dinner parties.
阿司匹林的阵痛作用可以从最开始预防酒醉,还可以加上点咖啡因,这样在无聊的晚宴上人们就可以保持清醒。 ecocn

The Effect of Clonidine on the Minimum Local Analgesic Concentration of Epidural Ropivacaine During Labor.
可乐定对分娩时硬膜外罗吡卡因最低局部镇痛浓度的影响。 kuenglish

The analgesic actually reduces their distress.
镇静剂确实减轻了他们的哀伤。 yeeyan

An alkaloid narcotic, C18H21NO3, derived from opium or morphine and used as a cough suppressant, analgesic, and hypnotic.
可待因一种生物碱麻醉剂, C18H21NO3,从鸦片或吗啡中提取并用于感冒抑制剂、止痛药和催眠药。 iciba

As for treating pain, studies have shown men and women experience different side effects of analgesic medications.
当治疗疼痛时,研究表明男性和女性在使用止痛剂时发生的副作用上也有不同。 yeeyan

But acetaminophen is a fairly weak analgesic, experts say.
但专家认为,对乙酰氨基酚的镇痛效果不强。 yeeyan

Even more intriguing, he says was that love activated different parts of the brain than the normal analgesic pathways.
更令人觉得有趣的是,他说比起普通的用止痛的方法爱情更能使大脑的不同部位活跃起来。 yeeyan

I'll give you an analgesic spray, and it should relieve the pain.
我给你喷一点止疼剂,疼痛就会缓解。 ebigear

If approved, the FDA said Cymbalta would be the first nontraditional analgesic approved for chronic pain.
FDA称,如果欣百达获得批准,它将是第一个非传统慢性疼痛止痛药。 yeeyan

In one experiment volunteers were given a powerful analgesic and subjected to a painful stimulus—which, because of the analgesic, they could not feel.
在一项实验中,多名志愿者被注射了强力的止痛剂,随后让他们接受一个疼痛的刺激物——由于止痛剂的原因,他们对疼痛毫无感觉。 ecocn

It seems likely that this protein will attract a great deal more analgesic research.
这似乎看上去从蛋白质身上可以吸引更多关于镇静剂的研究。 ecocn

It's been well established that social and physical pain are linked, but before now no one had guessed the same analgesic could work for both.
实验已经证明了,心理和生理上的痛苦是相关联的,但是迄今为止还不能明确表态我们可以用同样的方式为生理和心理缓解痛苦。 yeeyan

Methods Adopt dental pulp electro- stimulating method to determine the analgesic effect of CATT to rabbit acute toothache.
方法采用牙髓电刺激法测定 CATT对家兔急性牙痛的镇痛作用。 iciba

Methods Rat torsion and ear tumefaction were used to compare the analgesic and anti- inflammation effect between Rutin and its rare earth complexes.
方法采用小鼠扭体法和耳壳肿胀法对芦丁与稀土元素配位前后镇痛与抗炎作用进行比较。 cnki

Morphine, derived from opium, is used in medicine as an analgesic, light anesthetic or a sedative.
吗啡是一种阿片衍生物,在医学上用作止痛剂、轻度麻醉剂或镇静剂。 dxy

Objective To explore the analgesic effect of psychointerferences on caesarean section.
目的研究剖宫产术前心理干预对镇痛效果的影响。 iciba

Objective To study the analgesic effect for patients after tonsillectomy by applying medicinal ice.

Pharmacological experiment indicates that the medicament Gong An is a hysterotonic, analgesic and anti- inflammatory.
药效学实验表明:宫安合剂具有促进子宫收缩、镇痛、抗炎的作用。 cnki

Some industries like book publishers and analgesic makers believe that they best serve their audience when the product is available everywhere.
一些产业比如出版业以及镇痛剂产业相信,只有广铺货路到处开花才算是做到最好的服务。 yeeyan

Their mode of action is largely unknown, but they are believed to have emollient, astringent, anti- inflammatory, analgesic and soothing effects.
他们的作用形式还非常不清楚,但是普遍认为他们有滋润、收敛、抗炎、止痛和缓解的作用。 renren

Until the invention of morphine and other modern painkillers, myrrh was a common analgesic.
在吗啡和其他现代止痛药的发明之前,没药是一种普遍的止痛药。 kuenglish

Visual analogue scale VAS was used to observe analgesic time and effect during treatment in each group.
分组治疗中采用视觉模拟评分法观察止痛时间和止痛效果。 cnki




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