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Han population 基本例句 汉族 Genetic polymorphism of 3 STR loci on chromosome 18 in Wenzhou Han population.浙南汉族人群18号染色体上三个STR位点的遗传多态性研究 The huge Han population is the result of the intermingling of many nationalities over a long time.汉族人口多,也是长时期内许多民族混血形成的。 Conclusions MICA gene displayed distinct alleles distribution in Chinese south Han population.结论中国南方汉族人群mica等位基因分布频率具有自己的种族特异性。 CTLA,4 gene seems to be a new susceptible candidate gene of GD in Cantonese Han population.CTLA-4基因可能是广东地区汉族人群中GD的易感候选基因。 HLA-DRB1*17 alleles might be associated with the susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma in Shanghai Han population.HLA-DRB1*17基因与上海汉族人群乙型肝炎并发肝细胞癌的发生有一定相关性。 Objective: To understand the distribution of genes and genotypes of HUMARA loci in Han population in Tianjin.目的为了获得天津地区汉族群体HUMARA基因座的基因频率分布资料,并与其他地区群体进行比较。 |