释义 |
hangs over短语³⁰⁴⁷⁶ 基本例句 na.迫近;接近;挂在…上面;突出;🌏笼罩 A final question hangs over the plans of other would-be candidates. 最后的难题,就是要看其他可能参选的竞争者如何打算了。 topsage The threat of murder hangs over the traditionally tolerant country. 谋杀的威胁笼罩着这个传统上很宽容的国家。 ecocn The vast silence of noon hangs over the sea. 正午那种广大的寂静笼罩着大海。 yeeyan But a question mark now hangs over the future of fishing is the region. 然而,现在困扰人们的问题是当地未来的渔业发展前景。 worldbank In Dehradun, for example, a blue haze hangs over streets where vehicles jostle to move even at walking pace. 比如在德拉敦,蔚蓝的天空笼罩着挤挤攘攘的街道,大大小小的汽车比肩继踵,缓慢前行。 ecocn The moon hangs over the Earth in this astronaut photograph taken from the International Space Station. 这张照片是由国际空间站的宇航员所拍摄的,月亮挂在地球的上面。 yeeyan The whiff of pigs being slaughtered hangs over those parts not covered by the aroma of coffee being processed. 在没有被正在加工的咖啡香气所覆盖的区域,飘荡着被屠宰的猪的气息。 remword Uncertainty about what the United States can bring to the Copenhagen summit hangs over these negotiations. 美国在哥本哈根峰会上作出让步的不确定性笼罩着谈判的进程。 yeeyan Uncertainty also hangs over energy prices, despite the apparent failure of cap-and- trade legislation. 除了总量管制交易法的失败,这种不确定性也笼罩着能源价格。 ecocn Yet a cloud of controversy hangs over the issue of whether a dog can live healthfully on a vegetarian meatless or vegan animal product-free diet. 目前,关于狗吃素无肉或纯素无任何动物制品是否能保持健康这个问题还有很多争论。 yeeyan |