

单词 hanging round
释义 hanging round短语⁴⁹⁵⁰⁵
There seems to be danger hanging round those who deal in gold.

“ That the gold necklace you wish to acquire is hanging round your neck. That the snake you are so frightened of is only a rope on the ground”.
这就是你想要得到的金项链正挂在你的脖子上一样。你害怕的蛇只是地上的一段绳子而已。 putclub

Aid providers can find out where exactly on an incoming ship their medical supplies are, saving hours hanging round the docks.
援助人员可以精确地找到药品供给位于来船的哪一部分,从而节省了在码头闲荡的时间。 ecocn

As he turned Mr. Mornant saw that his coat was open and that there was something hanging round his neck.
正当若比转向他的时候摩赫南先生发现他的外套是敞开的,有什么东西挂在他脖子上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Has Barack Obama been hanging round Silvio Berlusconi too long?
奥巴马被贝卢斯科尼耽搁太长时间? yeeyan

I just like hanging round at home, or maybe going out with them.
在家里我只想闲着,或者和他们出去。 mclarenfans

Is it the key hanging round your waist?
那是坠在你屁股上的钥匙吗? blog.sina.com.cn




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