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词汇 Hanfei
释义 Hanfei
Hanfei was the master of legalist school at the end of the Warring Period.摘要韩非,战国末期法家思想的集大成者。
Greatly infiluenced by LaoZi's theory ,HanFei estabulished his own concepts about philosophy and politics which made him a great thinker of his time.作为一代思想家的韩非,其思想中最重要的哲学观和政治观皆取法于黄老已成为事实,
Hanfei brought forward “human relationship theory” after inheriting Legalism; Ogyu Sorai raised “public moral theory”, emphasizing its importance in every aspect in society.韩非集法家思想之大成,提出“人情论”;荻生徂徕则提出“公论”,强调“公”的领域在社会各个层面的重要意义。
Hanfei ,the representative of Legalist, adapted to the time tides and advocated that friend relationship should keep far away from politics, especially between emperors and subjects.法家代表人物韩非,则顺应时代潮流,主张朋友关系应当远离政治,尤其是君臣之间。
Xunzi's thinking put more influence on scholars in later ages and overseas, the thesis chooses two ideologists to illuminate it: his student Hanfei and Japanese scholar Ogyu Sorai.荀学的理论意义及思维模式对于后世学者及海外同人也有着不同程度的影响,本文选择两位思想家作为代表人物以说明这点:荀子弟子韩非和日本学者荻生徂徕。
Hanfei's Ideology of Improving Human Morals by Way of “Education on the Basis of Fa”韩非“以法为教”的德化思想论




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