

单词 Han ethnic
释义 Han ethnic短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
Objective:To acquire and investigate the gene frequency of D12Sf86 in Han ethnic population of Liaoning, China.
目的获得并研究中国辽宁汉族人群D12Sf86位点的基因频率。 http://dict.cnki.net

Owing to the extensive absorbing of foreign finery characteristics, the finery of Han ethnic group in Tang Dynasty appeared to be abundant and luxurious with multi- ethnic characteristics.
唐代汉族服饰丰富而华丽,特别是对外来衣冠服饰的广为吸收,使得唐代汉族服饰呈现出交流融合的多民族性特色。 dictall

Guangdong's Yue Cuisine enjoys great prestige all over the country. Hakka walled-house is considered the typical architecture in the southern migrant culture of the Han ethnic group in China.
广东粤菜誉满全国,客家围屋被认为是中国汉人南迁移民文化的代表性建筑。 prcgov

He belongs to the Han ethnic group, police said.
公安机关透露,该嫌疑人是汉族。 univs

Male, Han ethnic, born in January1957, Economic PhD.
男,汉族,1957年1月出生,经济学博士。 www.china.org.cn

Objective To survey the percentage and gene frequency of G-6- PD deficiency in Yao and Han ethnic people in Gongcheng, Guangxi province.
目的研究广西恭城县瑶族和汉族居民的 G-6- PD缺乏症发病率及基因频率。 cnki

The Han ethnic group has the largest population, accounting for91.59% of the total population.
在各个民族中,汉族人口最多,约占全国总人口的91.59%。 hwjyw

These masterpieces of several dozens of the middle- aged and young artists of Tibetan and Han ethnic groups have irreplaceable styles in terms of artistic and ideological contents.
此次展出的数十位中国藏汉杰出中青年画家的精品力作,无论在艺术性和思想性方面都有着无可替代的风格特征。 kouyi

Han Chinese's revolt against this rule was wide spread, resulting in massive killing of Han ethnic throughout the country.
汉人的反抗这种规则是广泛蔓延,造成大规模杀伤性汉族在全国各地。 blog.sina.com.cn




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