释义 |
handke 基本例句 汉德克 Frannie quickly told him about Stevie's surgery,then sighed,“Year,I'm glad he is going to be okay,”she said, but I don't know how he and mom are going tohandkeall the bills.弗拉尼立即告诉了他有关史蒂维手术的事,接着她谈了口气,说道:“是啊,我很高兴他就要康复了,但我不知道他和她母亲如何付他们的账单。 The Disappearance of Meaning: Essay at a Post-modern Reading of Michel Tournier, Botho Strauss, and Peter Handke意义的消失:论对米歇尔·图尼耶尔、博托·施特劳斯、彼得·汉德克的后现代解读 |