

单词 handed down to
释义 handed down to短语⁴⁴²³⁷
The Ten represents the Ten Commandments that God handed down to Moses on tablets made of stone.
十点,代表上帝刻在摩西的石头桌子上,传给人类的十条诫律。 blog.sina.com.cn

William Jefferson, a former Democratic congressman, received a13- year jail term for corruption, the longest sentence ever handed down to a congressman for bribery.
前民主党议员威廉·杰弗逊因贪污被判入狱13年,这是有史以来议员因受贿所获的时间最长的刑罚。 ecocn

Kim said it's likely they were handed down to a servant after the monarch's death.
金说这套内衣裤可能在女王去世后留给了一个仆人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my elder brother.
我的衣服大多是哥哥传给我的。 lesun

The house was handed down to my elder brother.

Thousands of Iraqi Shiites took to the streets to celebrate the death sentence that was handed down to Saddam Hussein Sunday.
数千名的伊拉克什叶派教徒走上街头,庆祝上星期日宣布的萨达姆被判死刑这一消息。 putclub




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