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词汇 H.and
释义 H.and. hændhandhændn.手脊椎动物的前脚鹰等鸟类的爪虾、蟹等的螯手状物;具手功能的东西钟表、仪器的指针工具等的把,柄香蕉等的一扇,一把,一串;烟草等的一束指示符号猪肩肉,臀尖肉人手,劳力;用复数雇员,职员;船员,乘员有技术者,专业人员;行家手艺,技巧,技能;手法;手工细活用复数缰绳做某项工作的人才海员,水手常用复数权力;支配,管理尤指谈判中的地位援助之手,帮助参与,插手拍手喝彩,鼓掌契约、信义等的应允;誓约;婚约量马高度的一手之宽笔迹,手迹;书法签字,签名面,方面工具;媒介,手段立场;影响力;实力,作用织物、皮革等的手感牌戏】手中的牌,一手牌参赛人,打牌人牌戏的一盘[用复数驯马术;骑马术【机械]轴向偏差古语提供情报或给养者adj.用手表示的;手操纵的vt.交,递;给,送,递送;呈送,递上常与 up 连用:He handed me a necklace last night.昨晚他送给我一条项链。Would you please hand this letter to my wife?麻烦你把这封信交给我夫人。to hand up a paper向上级呈送文件帮助;搀扶:I handed him into his car.我把他搀上了他的车。航海把帆、旗等卷起使改变航向美国英语法律】上报与up连用[废语用手操纵;对付短语:a bad hand at对…不内行,不善于…a cool hand厚面皮的人;精明人沉着勇敢的人a dab hand at口语做…尤指体育项目的能手或健将a free hand自由权,自由决定权大方,慷慨a good 或crack, great hand at doing something巧于…,对…在行a green hand生手,新手亦作fresh hand园艺技能亦作green thumba hand口语掌声,鼓掌一臂之力,帮忙插手,参与a hand's turn口语常用于否定句举手之劳a legible hand清楚的字迹,工整的书法a light hand精湛的技巧,熟练的手艺清楚的字迹all hands口语全部人手;全体人员,大家伙【航海]全体海员,全体船员All hands to the pumps 或pump!航海全体船员都去抽水!大家都来帮忙!a nap hand【牌戏】肯冒险就能赢的牌冒险一下就获全胜的地位an iron hand in a velvet glove外柔内刚口蜜腹剑,笑里藏刀an old hand at内行,里手,行家an open hand慷慨,大方a numb hand笨蛋;无经验者a poor 或bad hand at对…不熟练或不内行,不善于as flat as one's hand很平的,极平的ask for a lady's hand向某女子求婚at first hand直接地,第一手地at hand在手边,在附近即将发生,即将到来,迫近在考虑中at second hand间接地,二手地旧的,用过的at someone's hands 或 hand 或 at the hands (或hand of someone)在某人手里出自某人之手,从某人那里bathe 或dip one's hand in blood双手沾着鲜血,杀了人bear a hand出一把力,帮忙参与,插手水手用语干起来bear in hand管理,控制允诺坚持认为;指控be even hands with someone苏格兰英语同某人算账,向某人报复bind 或tiehand and foot捆住手脚使受束缚,约束bite the hand that feeds one以怨报德,恩将仇报bridle hand左手指持缰绳之手by hand用手的,手工的由专人送的婴儿喂养人工方法的,非母乳喂养的手写的by the hands 或hand of经由…之手,通过,用,由by the left hand私生的,非婚生的;贵族男子与下层女子所生的by 或with the 或a strong hand用强硬的手段;断然地,强制地,用暴力call one's own hand公开自己的主张或意图【牌戏】摊牌call someone's hand要求某人摊牌挫败某人的阴谋cap in hand毕恭毕敬地,卑躬屈膝地carry it 或things with a high hand盛气凌人;专横跋扈change hands财产等易主,更换所有权钱被花掉chuck one's hand in俚语拒绝做某事clean hands两手青白,洁身自好come into someone's hands到手,收到come out with clean hands清白无辜,被宣告无罪come the heavy hand强迫某人做某事,强加于人come to one's hand到手;收到发现,偶然找到,偶然被抓到come to one's hands短兵相接cross someone's hand with silver 或coin等见crossdie by one's own hand自杀dip one's hand in 或 into the pocket 或purse见dip¹dirty one's hands弄脏双手,玷污自己的好名誉eat 或feed out of someone's hand对某人俯首帖耳,完全受某人支配,惟某人之命是从fall into good hands落在好人手里fall into someone's hands落在某人手中;为某人所掌握或占有、照料等force someone's hand【牌戏】逼迫某人出牌迫使某人暴露自己的计划,迫使某人表态或采取行动for four hands【音乐】钢琴曲以四手联奏for one's own hand为了自己个人的利益from hand to hand传递;转手from hand to mouth刚够糊口,现挣现吃gain 或get, have the upper hand of控制,掌握;居支配地位get oneself in hand克制或控制自己get one's hand in使自己懂行起来,开始熟悉或掌握技巧get one's hands on弄到,搞到抓到某人并加以危害狠揍,猛打get out of hand摆脱控制变得难以管教完工get someone under hand制服某人get something off one's hands摆脱某事物,免除对某事的责任get the hands美国口语博得热烈掌声get 或have the whip hand占上风,处于支配地位give a helping hand助一臂之力,向某人伸出援助之手give one's hand on 或upon对…作出保证,以名誉担保履行诺言give one's hand on a bargain握手成交give someone a big hand对某人报以热烈的掌声欢迎give someone a hand with帮助…做某事,给…以帮助,帮某人一把give someone a free hand给予某人办某事的充分自主权give someone one's hand伸手与某人握手女子答应与某人订婚或结婚given under my hand and seal经我本人签字盖章go hand in hand with与…携手同行和一致,与…结合在一起;与…相配合go through someone's hands由某人处理;归某人负责grease someone's hand贿赂某人,向某人行贿付小费;给酒钱亦作grease the hand of someonehand and foot连手带脚一起,完全地始终辛勤地;周到地,殷勤地,无微不至地hand in 或and glove with跟…亲密无间;跟…互相勾结hand in hand手拉手地连在一起,联合地;形影不离地联合的;形影不离的hand it 或the punishment out口语严惩;痛打hand it to美国俚语给予…应有的信赖hand it to someone俚语赞扬某人,承认某人的长处或优势、成就、优良品质;服某人;向某人致敬hand of God天灾;不可避免的灾祸hand of writ或write苏格兰英语笔迹,手迹;书法书法家hand over fist迅速地,平稳快捷地爬绳、游泳等时双手交替运用地口语容易地,不费气力地口语尤指钱大量地hand over head古语冒冒失失地,轻率地,鲁莽地飞快地hands down容易地,轻易地,毫不费力地无疑地Hands off!参观警示语请勿动手!不许碰! 别动!Hands up!美国英语举起手来!不许动!hand to fist口语亲密地hand to hand战争等逼近地,短兵相接地,肉搏地hand heavily或heavy on one's hands时间过得缓慢而沉闷无聊have a free hand不受约束,得以自由行动,可全权处理,能够不受干扰地自行决策,能放手去做have或hold a good hand【牌戏】拿到一手好牌有可能成功,占上风,取得决定性的优势have或take a hand in或at参与到…中间,参加;与…有关have a hand like a foot笨手笨脚,笨拙have…in hand开始做,着手,开始控制,掌握;制服have long hands极有势力或权力have one's hands free没事做,空闲可以自由行动have one's hands full手里有许多工作要做,很忙,忙得不可开交have one's hands tied被牵制,被束缚,不能自由行动have someone's fate或life in one's hands掌握着某人的生死或命运have something 或someone well in hand完全控制了某事或某人have the better hand占上风,占优势have the cards in one's hands见 cardheart and hand见 heartheavy 或iron hand高压手段,严酷的手腕heavy in 或on hand马难以驾驶的人难对付的;行动迟缓的,头脑迟钝的枯燥无味的Here's my hand upon it.我赞成。hold hands表示信赖、爱情等的手拉手hold 或keep in hand控制,掌握废语a) 玩弄b) 将信将疑;抱着期望hold one's hand 或hands罢手,住手,手下留情hold someone's hand握住某人的手给某人以指导,在精神上支持某人;帮助某人克服困难hold up one's hands举手投降举手同意或赞同in a dead hand【法律】不动产为无让与权的法团所有in good hands在可靠或内行的人手里;受到十分好的照料in hand在掌握中,在控制下在手头,手头现有的,可使用的在支配下的;在保护下的办理中的,进行中的;考虑中的;当前的负责办理的;承担下来的in safe hands在可靠的人手中in the hands of someone 或in someone's hands掌握在…手中,在…支配之下,被…控制由…照料由…负责或处理in the turn 或turning of a hand立刻,马上,顷刻之间iron hand in the velvet glove外柔内刚,外宽内严join hands with与…握手;同…携手联合同…合伙与…结婚,和…结为夫妻keep a firm 或tight hand on对…实行严密控制或有力的控制,紧紧抓住或控制住亦作keep one's hand onkeep a slack hand放松缰绳放任自流;漫不经心地管理事物,懈怠keep a tight hand on someone紧紧掌握或控制住某人keep in hand掌握,控制,管理保留,留存keep one's hand in不间断地练习以保持技术熟练,使技术不致荒废继续保持对…的控制权,继续过问keep one's hands in one's pockets懒散;游手好闲keep one's hands off不拿取不接触不干涉keep one's hand on抓住控制,掌握kiss hands 或kiss the hand, kiss the Queen's hand吻女君王的手kiss one's hand to向…飞吻,给…飞吻last hand最后的润色;最后的几笔lay a hand on口语仅用于否定句或疑问句动手打人lay hands on 或upon抓到,拿到;得手碰至,触及;主教施坚信礼袭击;动手打人,施暴对女性动手动脚lay hands on oneself自杀lay hands on the ark亵渎圣物,冒渎神圣laying on of hands【宗教】按手礼lay violent hands on向…施暴或行凶杀害,下毒手lend a hand口语帮忙,拉一把let someone's left hand know what his right hand is doing合作者之间互通情报lie on someone's hands商品未脱手,没卖出,滞留在某人手中钱、物尚未使用时间令某人感到无聊,时日过得缓慢亦作 lie on handlift a hand只费举手之劳,不费吹灰之力lift one's hand against 或to动手打,伤害;攻击,袭击lift up one's hands 或hand举手宣誓light hand巧手;熟练的手艺节制;温和light in hand马容易驾驭的人易处的,容易对付的live by one's hand靠体力劳动生活live from hand to mouth仅能𪤛口,半饥半饱;只能顾眼前make 或take a hand at参与,参加make a hand of从中得利,从…捞一把有进展;成功make no hand of口语不能解释或说明marry with the left hand贵族男子和身份低的女子结婚near at hand在手边;在附近迫近,即将到来not do a hand's turn不干一点体力劳动,不做最微弱的努力not let one's left hand know what one's right hand does不要宣扬自己的善行not lift a hand什么也不做,不愿费举手之劳,连试都不试not much of a hand at= a bad hand atodd hand做杂工或短工的人offer one's hand伸出手来握手向女子求婚off hand没有准备的;未加思索或考虑的,即席的不大客气的,随便的马上,立刻,即刻;无准备地,即席off someone's hands不再由某人负责或照料任务、工作完成货物脱手,卖出oil someone's hand向某人行贿on 或at every hand在各方面,四面八方,到处普通地,大家一致地on either hand在两边one's hand be up举手打招呼或要求发言等one's hand is in做熟,熟练起来one's hand is out手生了,技巧生疏了one's hands are full碰到许多困难忙得不可开交on hand附近美国英语即将到来或发生美国英语在手边,在附近美国英语现有的,存有的美国英语到场,出席,在场on one's 或someone's hand由某人负责或照料,归某人支配on the advancing或growing, thriving hand在进步中,在增长中蒸蒸日上,日趋繁荣on the bow hand离题太远;离目标太远on the mending hand病情或事态等在好转中on the other hand另一方面,但是open hand豪爽,慷慨out of hand不受约束,无法控制,失去控制完结,结束,告终;脱手立即,马上;临时,无准备地out of someone's hands不再由某人负责或掌管非某人所控制overplay one's hand【牌戏】因过高估计手中牌力而输牌过于冒险,做事太过头,过高估计自己的力量pass into someone's hands或the hands of someone转到某人手里pass through many hands经过许多人之手play a lone hand美国英语单枪匹马地干,独立经营 亦作 play one's hand aloneplay for one's own hand全替自己打算,为自己的利益做事play into someone's hands因疏忽而做对某人尤指对手有利的事,给某人以可乘之机,因失算而使某人占便宜play one's hand for all it is worth尽最大的努力;充分利用现有的机会play one's hand for all there's in it利用一切手段达到目的play one's hand openly公开自己的计划或意图poor hand不熟练的人pump someone's hand口语同某人热烈握手,使劲握某人的手put 或stretch forth one's 或the hands against对…行凶或动武put in hand开始,着手put into someone's hand把…交到某人手里把…托付给某人put oneself in 或into someone's hand把自己交给某人,听凭某人处理put one's hand in 或into a hornet's 或hornets' nest捅马蜂窝,成为众矢之的,触犯公怒put one's hand in one's pocket付款,支付,认捐,慷慨解囊put one's hands on触,摸轻易找到put one's hand on one's heart做出庄严声明或保证put 或set one's hand to着手做某事put 或set one's hand to the plough着手工作,动手做;开始过某种生活put one's hand up表示同意、赞同或要求发言等时的举手表示投降等举起手来put the last hand to做最后几笔或润色;完成raise one's hands against准备对…动武,动手打某人;威胁某人read someone's hand给某人看手相ready to one's hand在手头,在手边,伸手可取red hands血腥的手,沾满鲜血的双手right hand右手,有力的手友谊之手;欢迎之手上席,上座,荣誉席位;优先地位得力助手,亲信right hand of fellowship同意某人入伙的表示【宗教】表示教友关系rub one's hands因高兴、不知所措等搓自己的双手rule with a heavy 或high hand以严厉手段对待;用高压手段统治,实行专制统治see the hand of God in认为是神力所致seize with both hands用双手急切抓住或利用send something by hand托人或派人把东西送去或带去set a hand to something着手去做某事set one's hand to something着手,从事在…上签名;批准,认可,承认shake hands相互握手亦作 shake someone's hands离开某事物,和某事物告别握手表示同意;握手成交shake hands with oneself庆贺自己shorten the hand of someone限制某人的权力short of hands缺少人手show of hands举手表决show one's hand摊牌;公开自己的真正意图或目的sit on one's hands美国英语观众不鼓掌;表示不赞成旁观,按兵不动slip out of 或from someone's hands 或hand逃脱某人的掌握;从某人手中滑脱slip something into someone's hand悄悄把某物塞给某人soil one's hands做了不名誉的事stand one's hand口语请大家喝酒,为大家付酒钱stay one's hand住手,放弃不干stay someone's hand使某人住手,阻止某人去做steady hand不颤抖的手果断的手腕;坚定的领导stick your hands up口语把手举过头,把手举起来匪徒用语亦作 stick 'em upstir a hand帮忙,尽举手之劳strengthen someone's hands或hand增强某人的资本或实力,加强某人的地位支持某人的论点;鼓励某人积极行动stretch out a helping hand向某人伸出援助之手,助一臂之力;欣然帮助某人strike hands击掌定约;成交,达成协议take a hand at 或in玩纸牌游戏参与;介入take gifts 或money with both hands接受利害相反双方的贿赂,两面要钱take in hand对某事担负起责任,承担某事接手办理,处理,负责照顾或管理、指导尝试take her by the hand美国英语由总统亲自干预以制止种族歧视take matters into one's own hands自行其是take…off someone's hands口语使某人摆脱对…的责任或负担take oneself in hand控制自己take out of someone's hands卸掉某人对…的责任take the high hand采取专横手段take the left hand of someone在某人的左侧the hidden hand幕后操纵者,背后的势力the upper或whip hand优势,上风,有利地位throw in one's hand退出竞争放弃尝试,认输throw on 或upon someone's hands让某人负起…的责任,把…推给某人去管throw up one's hands举起手来;绝望撒手不管举手投降,认输tie up one's或someone's hands缚住某人的双手,使某人受束缚,让某人束手无策tip one's hand无意中暴露自己的意图或计划to hand近在手边;唾手可得劳动所得收到受控制,被征服to one's hand到手,得到try one's hand at尝试一下,试试身手,在…试试才能turn a hand转手;交给助手处理常用于否定句帮一点忙,助一臂之力turn a或one's hand to着手,从事under hand私下,暗中亦作underhand有人照顾受到控制under one's hand在手边,马上就能用经本人亲笔签名并盖章,由某人署名wash one's hands委婉语上厕所搓手,干洗手洗手不干,彻底断绝与…的关系wash one's hands of不再管,不再过问;拒绝对…继续承担责任,不再负责完全退出,洗手不干wash one's hands with 或ininvisible soap and imperceptible water因紧张、不安、拘束等搓手whip hand持鞭子的人支配地位,优势win hands down【赛马】毫不费力地获胜轻易得胜win someone's hand得到某女子同意结婚with a bold hand大胆地,蛮横地,傲慢地with a firm hand坚决地,毫不动摇地with a heavy hand压制地,专制地;粗暴地,暴虐地冷酷地,无情地不中用;笨拙地苛刻地;严厉地with a high hand用高压手段;专断地;傲慢地with an iron hand以铁腕,严厉地with an open hand手头大方地,慷慨地with a sparing hand吝惜地;节俭地with a或the strong hand用强硬手段;断然地with both hands全力以赴地,尽其所能地with clean hands清白无辜地廉洁地with one hand或hands tied behind one's back口语把苦处咽在肚里with one's bare hands赤手空拳地,徒手with open hand 或hands= with an open handwring one's hands因失望、痛苦、悲哀等用力绞扭自己的双手,绞手,扭手wring someone's hand热情地紧握某人的手write a good或fairhand写得一手好字younger hand见young




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