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词汇 Hammurabi
释义 Hammurabi

Babylonian king who codified the laws of Sumer and Mesopotamia died 1750 BC近义词 Hammurapi即Hammurabi
It flourished under Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar II but declined after 562 b. c. and fell to the Persians in539.
繁荣于汉穆拉比和尼布甲尼撒二世统治之时,但于公元前562年后衰落并于539年落于波斯人手中。 tdict

Literal punishment: for example, in the Code of Hammurabi, where someone's ox kills a child, then the ox owner's child is killed.

The Code of Hammurabi said what the Sumerians should not do. It also said how they would be punished if they violated any laws.
《汉谟拉比法典》 规定苏美尔人不该做的事,它还规定如果他们违反法律该受到何种惩罚。 sznews

The law code of Hammurabi is available to us and there's a preface to it in which he basically explains why you should obey the rules that he now is laying down for you.
《汉谟拉比法典》仍现存于世,在法典的前言里,法典作者实际上解释了为什么他将在后文中列出的法条应该被人们遵守。 yeeyan

THE lending of money at interest goes back, at least, to the Babylon of Hammurabi in 1775BC. So does its regulation.
出借金钱并收取利息,至少可以追溯到公元前1775年古巴比伦的汉莫拉比王朝,也确实一直有着如此规定。 yeeyan

Conclusion: The Code of Hammurabi incarnates the idea of justice of the Old Babylonians, which not quite the same as our modern idea of justice.
结论:《汉穆拉比法典》体现了古巴比伦人的正义观,它与我们现代的正义观不完全相同。 cnki

Despite these cases the death penalty, on the statute books since the days of Hammurabi, is disappearing in much of the world.
尽管出现了这些死刑案例,但这种自汉谟拉比法典即明令在册的刑罚在世界大多数国家都已消失。 ecocn

Just like the behaviors they seek to counteract, these codes have been near universal in human societies since the Code of Hammurabi first put them into stone.
就如其所反对的行为一样,自从《汉谟拉比法典》将这些规范变成铭文后,它们几乎已经成了人类社会的普世价值观。 yeeyan

KING HAMMURABI of Mesopotamia regulated the use of derivatives almost 4,000 years ago. The Japanese have been trading rice futures since around 1650.
美索不达米亚的汉谟拉比王早在4000年前就开始对衍生工具的使用进行了管理,日本人1650年前后就从事大米的期货交易。 ecocn

KING HAMMURABI of Mesopotamia regulated the use of derivatives almost 4,000 years ago.
美索不达米亚国王汉莫拉比早在四千年前就控制了衍生品的使用。 ecocn

KING HAMMURABI of Mesopotamia regulated the use of derivatives almost4,000 years ago.
美索不达米亚的汉莫拉比国王大约4000年前就控制了衍生品的使用。 ecocn

Leads Title: We, International Hammurabi Company, working in both Iraq and Jordan.
信息标题:国际汉谟拉比公司,我们在伊拉克和约旦的工作。 wmtag




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