

单词 hammering
释义 hammering 英'hæmərɪŋ美'hæmərɪŋ 高SCOCA¹⁹⁹⁷⁴BNC¹⁷⁴²⁸iWeb³¹⁶⁵⁸Economist¹⁵⁵⁹⁶

the act of pounding delivering repeated heavy blows;

the sudden hammer of fists caught him off guard

the pounding of feet on the hallway

hammer锤bush hammering剁斧石做法hammering test锤击试验cold hammering冷锻hammering machine锤锻机,锤细机…take a hammering惨败; 受到冲击…
近义词 pound磅hammer锤beating打defeat挫败slaughter残杀pounding重击声thrashing轻易击败…hiding隐藏

用作名词There was a loudhammeringon the door.传来一声很响的敲门声。
Foreign companies are taking ahammeringfrom the strong dollar.外国公司正遭受到坚挺的美元的冲击。 Another marmalade- covered work surface, more rain hammering at the window and a moment, the moment.
备餐台上照例放满果酱,这一刻外面雨下得更大了,敲打着玻璃窗。就是这一刻了。 yeeyan

Its share price continued to take a hammering this week as investors worried about its balance sheet and business model.
投资者们担心其资产负债表和商业模式有问题,雷曼兄弟股价本周继续大跌。 ecocn

Months after the museum’s opening in May, workers are drilling and hammering amid piles of dirt and rubble to prepare the rest of the complex.
自五月份博物馆开馆后,工人们还一直在成堆的泥土和瓦砾中敲敲打打,为建筑群余下部分的建设做准备。 yeeyan

They have plenty of reason to be cautious, considering the hammering that share- and bondholders took during the firm’s two- month dash through the bankruptcy courts last year.
去年通用公司奔走在为期两个月的破产法庭中,期间持股人和持债人严重受挫,就这一点来讲投资商大有理由提高警惕。 ecocn

A piece may require two, four or sometimes six weeks of constant hammering before it is finished.
一件作品需要2到4周,甚至是6周的持续敲打才能成型。 ecocn

Because of PHP's ease- of- use, developers often start by hammering code into their editors when they should have really been planning and designing.
由于 PHP易于使用,所以开发者在本应规划和设计的时候,他们经常先把代码硬塞到编辑器中。 ibm

But whilst his personal life was taking a hammering his professional life was pushing him into the stratosphere.
不过,虽然他的个人生活是一锤击他的职业生涯中推他到平流层。 iciba

Crafting important legislation, manning the situation room, and hammering out peace treaties is truly important work that requires intelligence, poise, and character.
制定重要的立法、配备情况室人员、拟定和平条约皆是真正重要的工作,需要智慧,镇静和品格。 yeeyan

Down on the plain, the heavens have opened, huge drops of rain hammering into the muddy ruts which mark the road around the turn-off to the refinery.
在下面的平原上,暴雨滂沱,大滴的雨点敲打在泥泞的车辙上,车辙标识出沿着岔道通往炼铝厂的道路。 yeeyan

He is hammering his opponent, as so many Republicans across the country are, for Democratic policy;
就像全国这么多共和党人在做的一样,瑞南兹也通过民主党的政策抨击他的对手。 ecocn

I could hear him hammeringaway in the house next door.
我可以听见他在隔壁屋子里不停地锤打东西. kekenet

I went back upstairs and continued to lie in bed listening to his hammering.
我回到楼上躺在床上继续听他敲打的声音。 yeeyan

In our musical gatherings nothing is thought of spending half-an- hour in tuning up the Tanpuras, or hammering into tone the drums, little and big.
在我们的音乐集会里,花半个钟头来调冬不拉的弦儿,或是把大鼓小鼓都敲到全音,也没有人在意。 yeeyan

Silver is expensive; hammering it demands great precision.
银子十分昂贵;敲打银子要非常精细。 yeeyan

The relentless pressure on rates raises a double danger. First, it could cause a banking crisis by hammering the value of bonds owned by lenders.
国债收益率面临的巨大压力会引发双重风险:首先,它可能造成银行手中的债券大幅贬值,引发银行业危机。 fortunechina

We had an abundance of trees and were eager to start hammering.
我们的身边有大量的树木,并渴望对它们锤锤打打。 yeeyan




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