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Halsted 基本例句 n.霍尔斯特德 Addams founded Hull House onHalstedStreet in Chicago in 1889.赫尔馆于1889年在芝加哥的特德街成立。 After 1 minute,Halstedlong-range outside the restricted area, the ball clinging to Weaver.1分钟之后,斯特德禁区外远射,维弗将球抱住。 An early champion of antiseptic procedures,Halstedintroduced the use of thin rubber gloves in surgery .他积极提倡无菌手术,1890年创用薄橡皮手套施行手术。 In 1997,Halstedgot a Christmas card from a German participant living in Munich: “I think often of our meetings and mutual ideals.1997年,霍尔斯特德中士得到一张圣诞贺卡,贺卡来自某位实验参加者,德国慕尼黑人:“我经常想起我们聚合和我们共同理想。 We are located in the Engineering Research Facility on the NW corner of Taylor andHalstedStreets in downtown Chicago.请问这个地方里在那个校区,有没有朋友在这个地方住的,小弟8月份可能去读MS,想找个地方租。 Keywords Manamary neoplasms;Halstedmastectomy;radical surgery;Neoplasm recurrence local;Neoplasm metastasis;combined modality therapy;乳房肿瘤;乳房切除术;根治性;肿瘤复发;局部;肿瘤转移;综合疗法; |