释义 |
halls 基本例句 n.霍尔斯男名 The guzzlers of Munich's beer halls are the stuff of bacchanalian legend: now they have to contend with rivals hailing from the bars and street stalls of Hanoi and New Delhi. 德国慕尼黑啤酒大厅的酒鬼们曾经创造过啤酒狂欢的传奇,而今,他们受到来自河内以及新德里那些酒吧里和路边酒摊的强大对手们的威胁。 yeeyan But the future of global emissions, and global warming looks increasingly more likely to be set in industrial powerhouses like this than in the negotiating halls of Copenhagen. 但全球气体排放与全球变暖的未来看起来似乎更有望掌握在像鄂尔多斯这样的工业重镇手中,而非哥本哈根的谈判大厅。 yeeyan |