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词汇 hall
释义 hall 英hɔːl美hɔlAHDhôl


the passage just inside the entrance of a house, from which the other rooms and usually the stairs are reached


a large room in which meeting, dances, etc., can be held

C食堂; 宿舍

the room where all the members eat together; a hall of residence




the office buildings

an interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open;

the elevators were at the end of the hall

a large entrance or reception room or areaa large room for gatherings or entertainment;

lecture hall

pool hall

a college or university building containing living quarters for studentsthe large room of a manor or castleEnglish writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years 1883-1943United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology 1844-1924United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite 1863-1914United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic 1821-1871United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos the two satellites of Mars 1829-1907a large and imposing housea large building used by a college or university for teaching or research;

halls of learning

a large building for meetings or entertainment

❌ They go to the hall at twelve.

✔️ They go to hall at twelve.


❌ She dines in the hall.

✔️ She dines in hall.


❌ She went to hall to look for her son.

✔️ She went to the hall to look for her son.

go to hall和dine in hall中的hall前无定冠词,指“去餐厅就餐”,如果去餐厅另有目的,则可以说go to the hall。

hall, aisle, corridor, passage

这组词的共同意思是“过道”。其区别在于:aisle指两排椅子中间的过道; hall指办公大楼中的通道; passage指狭长的、可通往各独立房间的通道; 而corridor指建筑物中一侧或两侧都有门通往各房间的走廊。

用作名词 n.
动词+~build a hall修建一个大厅design a hall设计一个大厅pull down a hall拆除一个大厅形容词+~ancient hall古代大厅beautiful hall漂亮的大厅main hall正厅new hall新大厅old hall旧大厅splendid hall辉煌壮丽的大厅名词+~concert hall音乐厅dance hall舞厅dining hall食堂,餐厅entrance hall门厅exhibition hall展览厅lecture hall讲演厅meeting hall会议厅music hall音乐厅town hall市政厅介词+~at the hall在礼堂里in the hall在礼堂里,在门厅里
故事记忆人长得很 Small矮小自己就是 All全部从没女孩 Call打电话独自穿过 Mall林荫道前面有面 Wall墙仔细看很 Tall高爬上去就 Fall掉下原来掉进 Hall大厅里正好参加 Ball舞会hal=hol,藏+l双写→人类的藏身之所→宽敞的建筑⇒厅,堂,过道,门厅,走廊。非常记忆h椅子〖编码〗+all所有的〖熟词〗⇒把椅子搬到所有的大厅去小学英语速记音律记忆:我们all大家,来到hall大厅,play ball打球近义词 lobbysaloonchamberhallwaycorridorauditorium
用作名词n.All eyes were bent on me when I entered the hall.我走进门厅时,大家都瞧着我。
My coat is hanging in the hall.我的外套挂在门厅里。
He saw her suitcase in the hall and jumped to the conclusion that she was leaving.他在门厅里看到她的手提箱就立即认为她要走了。
They went into the hall together.他们一道走进门厅。
Smoking in the lecture hall is not permitted.演讲厅里不准吸烟。
Slogans were hung in the hall.会场里悬挂着标语。
Two bandits were hammering on the door of the hall.两个匪徒在砸会堂的门。
We met each other coming out of the concert hall.从音乐厅出来时,我们碰到一起了。
The hall can contain two hundred people.厅里可以容纳200人。
The hall was decked up with banners and coloured ribbon.大厅用横幅和彩带装饰。
The hall was furnished pretty classy.这座大厅装饰得非常华丽。
The hall is hung with red flags.大厅里挂着红旗。
The hall will soon heat up once the crowd arrive.随着人群的到来,大厅很快就会沸腾起来。
The picture was coordinated with the hall.画与大厅协调一致。
The splendid hall dazzled the young man.富丽堂皇的大厅使那年轻人眼花缭乱。
A young woman standing at the door gave out leaflets to all those who entered the hall.站在门旁的一个年轻的妇女向所有进入大厅的人散发传单。
Deck the halls with green branches.用绿树枝把大厅装饰一下。
The crowd flowed out of the town hall and walked down the main street.人群涌出市政大厅,沿着大街走去。
I elbowed my way through the crowd to the front of the hall.我用肘挤着穿过人群,来到大厅的前部。
Already they had hired a big hall.他们已经租了一个大厅。
A meeting hall and museum have been erected here.这里已建起了一座礼堂和博物馆。
We should hire a hall to hold such a meeting.要召开这样的会议,我们应该租一个大礼堂。
Hall is at twelve.食堂12点开饭。
We shall have to have our meals in this room while the dining hall is being done out.在油漆饭厅期间,我们只好在这个房间吃饭。
I lived in hall during my first and second years.在上大学的第一年和第二年时间里,我居住在学院的宿舍中。
One of the rooms was got up to represent the hall of a mediaeval castle.一个房间被装饰成中世纪城堡的府第。
A hall ran the length of the upper floor of the house.走廊的长度等于房子上层的长度。
When there is a fire, people file out of the hall in an orderly way.失火时,人们要一个接一个地离开办公大楼。
The small house was fenced in by highhall.这所小房子被高大的办公楼团团围住。Phallstandn.衣帽架Phallwayn.走廊门厅玄关Whitehalln.白厅英国政府; Phallmarkn.纯度检验证明品质证明vt.加盖纯度检验证明


hall的基本意思是“门厅”,指西式房子的前门里面的一间厅,通常有衣架、镜子等,也常称为entrance hall或hallway,也可指“礼堂,会堂”“办公大楼”等。



用作名词The lecture is to be delivered at thehall.演讲将在大厅进行。
There was a low murmur of conversation in thehall.大厅里有窃窃私语声。
A multitude of people gathered at the gate of the exhibitionhall.大群人聚集在展览大厅的门口。
There were plenty of people in front of the town's Hall.在城镇的大礼堂前有许多人。
Morning assemblage is held in the schoolhall.晨会在学校礼堂举行。
The systematic arrangement of chairs makes thehalllook spacious.座椅按照顺序排列,这使得礼堂里显得很宽敞。noun.corridor
同义词 entrance,foyer,gallery,hallway,lobby,room,rotundaanteroom,entranceway,entry,pass,passage,passageway,vestibule
反义词 denial,refusal, for large affairs
同义词 amphitheater,arena,auditorium,ballroom,chamber,church,gallery,gym,gymnasium,lounge,theaterarmory,casino,lyceum,mart,refectory,salon,stateroomassembly room,dining hall,meeting place
auditoriumnoun room, building for entertainment events
amphitheater,assembly hall,barn,concert hall,movie house,music hall,opera house,playhouse,reception hall,theater
casinonoun gambling establishment
Monte Carlo,bank,betting house,big store,club,clubhouse,dance hall,dice joint,dive,gambling den,hall,honky-tonk,house,joint,pool hall,roadhouse,rotunda,saloon,track
chambernoun small compartment, room
classroomnoun room where learning takes place
auditorium,hall,homeroom,lablecture roomlibraryschool roomstudy,study hall,theater,workshop
concoursenoun passageway
avenue,boulevard,entrance,foyer,hall,highway,lobby,lounge,meeting place,path,rallying point,road,street
corridornoun hallway
aisle,couloir,entrance hall,entranceway,foyer,hall,ingress,lobby,passage,passageway Correspondents may enter the floor of the Assembly Hall and committee rooms only before or after meetings, but must leave promptly when the meeting is about to begin.
记者只可在会议开始之前或结束之后进入会议大厅和委员会会议室底层,但在会议即将开始时必须迅速离开。 who




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