

单词 halima
释义 halima həˈliːmə COCA¹⁰⁷⁴⁵⁵BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
“ Her,” Mrs. Halima said. “ I knocked it down— I knocked down the coffin when I ran out.”
“她,” Halima太太说,“我碰倒了它—我跑出来的时候碰倒了她的棺材。” yeeyan

Its narrator, Halima Bashir pictured above, grew up in Darfur, became a victim of the conflict and ultimately escaped from it.
它的讲述者, HalimaBashir见上图,在达富尔长大,被卷入了这场冲突成为受害者,最终又逃了出来。 ecocn

Neal heard shuffling footsteps, and then Mrs. Halima came out onto the porch, carrying a large square candle.
Neal听见脚步声慢慢接近,随之出现在门廊上的是 Halima太太,她手中拿着一支方形的蜡烛。 yeeyan

Or ask Halima in Bangladesh who started earning more than3 dollars a week.
或者问问孟加拉的 Halima,刚刚不久前她每周收入才超过3美元。 yeeyan

THE PRESIDENT: I have just had the distinct pleasure and honor of visiting with Dr. Halima Bashir, who wrote a book called“ Tears of the Desert.”
总统:能够和哈利玛巴希尔博士一起访问我感到非常高兴和无比荣幸,博士写了一本书叫做“沙漠之泪”。 mdaxue




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