

单词 half way
释义 half way短语²⁰¹⁶⁸
在途中; 半路上; 几乎

形容词 halfway:
equally distant from the extremesat a point midway between two extremesincluding only half or a portion
副词 halfway:
at half the distance; at the middlemeet someone half waymeet halfway
He departed at a brisk gallop, but on the way met Gethings and Cutter returning.他轻快地飞跑而去,可是跑到半路上,就碰见葛星斯和克特在赶回来了。
If a woman were on her way to her execution, she will demand a little time to put on make- up.如果是女人,在她走向刑场的半路上,也可能会要求一点时间来化妆。
The professor failed almost half of the class.该教授给班上几乎一半人评了不及格。
He smiled in an awkward almost apologetic way.他笑得很尴尬,几乎象在道歉。adv.not complete; in the middle
同义词 incomplete,partially
反义词 completely,totally,wholly
betweenadverb middle from two points
amid,amidst,among,at intervals,betwixt,bounded by,centrally located,enclosed by,halfway,in,in the middle,in the midst of,in the seam,in the thick of,inserted,interpolated,intervening,medially,mid,midway,separating
betweenpreposition middle from two points
'tween,amid,amidst,among,betwixt,halfway,in,in the middle,in the midst of,in the seam,in the thick of,inserted,interpolated,intervening,medially,mid,midway,separating
centrallyadverb in the middle
central,halfway,in the center,in the heart of,midway
equidistantadjective equally distant
intermediateadjective middle, in-between
medialadjective median
average,between,center,central,halfway,innermost,intermediate,mean,middle,midway HAVING grown at an annual rate of3.2% per head since2000, the world economy is over half way towards notching up its best decade ever.
自2000年起就以人均3.2%的年速率增长着的世界经济如今已离目标--“创有史以来经济发展最好十年”--更加近了。 hjenglish

In view of the long business relations between us, we wish to meet you half way to settle the claim.
考虑到我们之间长期的业务关系,我们愿意各让一半解决这项索赔。 putclub

Half way there, one of his car wheels came off.
半道上他的一个汽车轮子掉了。 ebigear

Half way through the entree, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips.
在主菜吃到一半时,我不经意地抬头看见母亲坐在那儿目不转睛地盯着我,嘴角挂着一抹微笑,她显然在回忆着什么。 yeeyan

It is the people who work the system who need to change, primarily by meeting their opponents half way.
真正需要改变的是运作体制的人,他们首先要做的是同对手各让一半。 ecocn

Therefore, He requires you to meet Him half way.
因此,他要求你在半途去见他。 yeeyan

This is due to refraction, the same thing that makes a pencil look slightly askew when you stick it half way into a glass of water.
这是因为折射作用,这跟你把铅笔的一半放在一杯水中,会看起来有点歪斜的道理是一样的。 putclub




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