

单词 Hakka dialect
释义 Hakka dialect

a dialect of Chinese spoken in southeastern China by the HakkaSpeakingHakka dialectHakka peoplet as a independent derivative of Han ethnic group.客家人之所以成为汉族的一个独立民系,说客家话是其重要特征之一。
Hereupon, the writer select eighty-eight single-syllable words fromHakka dialectparticularly and make practical and distinct research for their sources.于此,本论文特选客家方言中八十八个单音节词从词源上进行了较为认真严谨的考索。
Moreover, the Sung Dynasty still had a medieval language system.It has rich sounds, intonation alone has seven variations , quite similar to the modernHakka dialect.另外宋朝的语音还处于中古语音系统,语音非常丰富,光声调就有七个,和今天的客家话是非常接近。
Early in the late Qing Dynasty,the study of theHakka dialectbegan but it was limited to lexical explanations and annotations under the traditional theory and methodology of philology.早在清代末年就开始了客家方言的研究,但大都是用传统语文学的理论方法对词汇进行考释。
TheHakka dialectis the common language spoken by the Hakkas - a unique ethnic group of Chinese people.客家是汉民族中的一个独特群体,客家方言是这个群体的最重要特征,也是我们研究客家的历史文化的最重要的依据。




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