

单词 hair style
释义 hair style hɛəstail 短语⁴¹⁹⁸¹

the arrangement of the hair especially a woman's hair近义词 coif头巾coiffure发型hairstyle发型hairdo发型尤指女子…
That newhair stylereally does something for you, it looks great.那种新发式的确美化了你的仪表,它看上去很美。
I will drop the boy a hint and suggest that he might find it easier to find a job if he got rid of the green punkhair style.我会暗示那男孩,如果他理掉那绿色的朋克式发型,他也许会发现找工作会容易些。
Herhair stylewas a real eye catcher.她的发型确实引人注目。
Mary'shair stylewas in keeping with the latest fashion.玛丽的发型正是最近流行的那种。 A new hair style has caught fire recently.
最近—种新发型流行起来。 iciba

What is your character's hair style?
你的角色的发型? anetcity

Alice worked out a new hair style.
爱丽丝研究出一种新发型。 etiantian

Change hair style, many people will try to thing.
换发型,很多人都会尝试的一件事。 xtkmyy

Every week try something new, whether it is a new recipe, a new hair style, a new workout or a new route to work.
每周尝试一些新的东西,不论是一个新的食谱,一个新的发型,一种新的锻炼或者一种新的工作方式。 yeeyan

Hands have made for mother cut new hair style, and then for her family and take photos.
亲手为妈妈剪了新发型,然后为她和家人一起拍照。 blog.sina.com.cn

Her hair style makes her more attractive.
她的发型使她更加具有吸引力。 blog.sina.com.cn

I want to get a new hair style.
我想去做个新发型。 chinese

I'd like to try a new hair style.
我想换个新发型。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Keep yourself neat and tidy from the hair style to the fingernail.
保持整洁利落的形象,无论是发型还是小到手指甲。 blog.sina.com.cn

This hair style is more commonly seen among males.
这种发型在男士中比较常见。 edu.sina.com.cn




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