

单词 hair salon
释义 hair salon hɛəˈsælɔ:ŋ 短语³⁷⁴²⁸
A continuous stream of visitors: hair salon on the game, really busy, but no way, oh guests patience is limited. they ignited before serving!
游戏介绍:发廊客人络绎不绝,实在有点忙不过来,不过没办法哦,客人的耐心有限,在他们发火前,努力服务吧! hicoo

The owners also opened a hair salon and will open a cafe.
画廊主人还开了一家理发店,以后还打算开一家咖啡屋。 yeeyan

The Hair Salon is beside the Health Club.
美发中心在健康中心的旁边。 blog.sina.com.cn

We are very sorry about that we only accept order from retail shop or hair salon.
只接受发型屋或零售商店购买, 不便之处,敬请原谅。 iciba

A jewelry store offered free jewelry cleaning to clients of a hair salon.
一家珠宝店为一家美发沙龙的客户提供免费的珠宝清洁服务。 yeeyan

At the hair salon, I told my stylist that I wanted something special.

Gaines,50, runs a barbershop, a hair salon and a fitness business.
盖恩斯50岁,在那开着一家理发店,一个美容沙龙和一间健身房。 yeeyan

If it's a hair salon, notice the chemical aromas.
如果是一个理发店,注意化学香味。 blogbus

It is a hair salon built in the suburbs.
这是一个建在郊区的美发沙龙。 archicn

Jane Wangui owns a hair salon in downtown Nairobi, one of a handful of shops in the area open for business on Friday.
简.旺桂是内罗毕市中心一家美容店的老板,这家店也是星期五为数不多仍在营业的店铺之一。 www.voanews.com.cn

LIFE is now easier for Andile Mbatha, who owns a hair salon in Soweto.
对在索韦托拥有一家美发沙廊的 Andile Mbatha来说,生活现在容易了许多。 ecocn

Slumped in her chair at the M.A.C. hair salon, she talked about endless after- hours dates with clients.
跌坐在 M.A.C美发沙龙她自己的椅子上,谈到了在营业外时间与客人的无休无止的约会。 yeeyan

Williams came to China a year ago, and opened a hair salon in one of the malls.
威廉姆斯来到中国一年前,开了一家理发店的一个商场。 gz106




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