

单词 hairline
释义 hair·line 英ˈheəˌlaɪn美ˈhɛrˌlaɪnAHDhârʹlīn' ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA²⁴³²⁹BNC²⁸⁶⁶⁴iWeb¹⁵⁵¹⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a very thin linethe natural margin formed by hair on the headhairline crack发裂,毛细裂缝,发纹…curvature of hairline曲周hairline pointer瞄准器weft hairline纬向细线条
用作名词She notices a discoloration around hishairline.她注意到他的发际线有一块疹斑。as in.delicate
同义词 delicious,delightful,elegant,exquisite,fragile,gentle,graceful,mild,rare,soft,subtle,tenderaerial,balmy,breakable,choice,delectable,ethereal,faint,filmy,fine,fine-grained,finespun,flimsy,fracturable,frail,frangible,gauzy,gossamery,muted,nice,pale,pastel,recherché,select,shatterable,shattery,slight,subdued,superior
反义词 callous,crude,firm,hard,harsh,healthy,horrible,loud,ordinary,rough,strong,tough,ugly,unpleasant,violentcoarse,healthful,heavy,imprecise,indelicate,indiscriminating,inelegant,insensitive,robust,uncareful,uncritical,unscrupulousas in.fine
同义词 delicate,intelligent,obscure,pure,refined,sharp,subtleacute,clear,hairsplitting,keen,minute,nice,petty,quick,sensitive,sterling,triflingabstruse,critical,cryptic,distinct,enigmatic,esoteric,fastidious,fine-spun,precise,recondite,strict,tasteful,tenuous,unadulterated,unpolluted
反义词 forthright,indefinite,blunt,dull,imprecisecoarse,crude,undiscriminating,unrefinedas in.subtle
同义词 exquisite,faint,indirect,ingenious,profound,slight,sophisticated,understatedattenuate,attenuated,deep,discriminating,ethereal,fine,finespun,hairsplitting,illusive,implied,inconspicuous,indistinct,inferred,insinuated,mental,penetrating,refined,suggestive,tenuous,thin
反义词 ignorant,stupidforthright,hard,harsh,honest,noisy,open,unsubtle
delicateadjective dainty, weak
fineadjective discriminating, exact
subtleadjective nice, quiet, delicate
attenuate,attenuated,deep,discriminating,ethereal,exquisite,faint,fine,finespun,hairline,hairsplitting,illusive,implied,inconspicuous,indirect,indistinct,inferred,ingenious,insinuated,mental,penetrating,profound,refined,slight,sophisticated,suggestive,tenuous,thin,understated Begin cutting the hair upwards from the bottom of the hairline with the hair clippers.
用剪刀从发际线下端向上剪。 yeeyan

Some of the casings for this internet radio had hairline fractures in them or so he claimed so he offered to redo the batch at great discount.
这个无线收音机内部有发丝那么细的裂缝,所以他愿意打折扣重做一批。 yeeyan

The popular symbol of the Atom is stark: a black dot encircled by the hairline orbits of several other dots.
通行的原子标志是直白的:几个点循极细的轨道环绕着一个黑点。 yeeyan

Also, you see old girlfriends and friends and your children going up and my hairline receding.
当然,你也会看到曾经的朋友和女朋友,还有我孩子的成长和我头发的脱落。 blog.sina.com.cn

First, opinion polls show that homophobia has receded almost as far as Homer Simpson's hairline.
首先,民调显示,对同性恋的憎恶感几乎就像荷马-辛普森的发际线一样不断减退。 ecocn

Had Mark been able to see he would have seen a flushed face with perspiration beginning to form at the hairline.
要是马克能看东西的话,他一定会看到一张涨得通红的脸,然后额头上正开始飙汗。 yeeyan

He had missed32 games with the Kings because of a hairline fracture in his left wrist, then struggled when he returned.
他错过了国王的32场比赛由于手腕的韧带拉伤,知道他复出前都很努力。 yeeyan

He was conscious of a hairline border never to be crossed.
他意识到有一条永远不能逾越的小小的鸿沟。 jukuu

I leaned back in my desk chair and, as I do when I’m tired, pulled on my right earlobe and scratched my head, the right forefront where my hairline is beginning to retreat.
我像平常累了的时候一样靠在我的座椅上,扯着我的有耳垂挠着头,我额头的发际线已经开始后退了。 yeeyan

It is unusual for lesions to form on the face, but they may appear on the cheeks or at the hairline.
不典型病变在脸上形成疹子,但通常发生在面颊或者发际。 yeeyan

It is caused by chronic pulling of the hair, leading to gradual hair loss, mostly at the hairline.
这是由于长期的拉紧头发,会导致头发逐渐脱落,尤其是在发际线处。 yeeyan

Some of those inclusions lie along hairline fractures in the zircons, a route by which mineral- rich fluids could have infiltrated, Rasmussen says.
拉斯姆森说,有些包体位于锆石内部的细微裂隙旁边,而这些裂隙可以充当通道让富含矿物质的液体通过它们渗入锆石内部。 yeeyan

Take a straight razor or the clippers without a gauge and trim the hairline in a straight line.
用直刀和不带齿的见到把发际线剪成直线。 yeeyan

The Eurozone is far from shattered, yet there does seem to be some hairline cracks.
欧元区离分崩离析尚远,然而,似乎确实有了一些细小的裂缝。 yeeyan

The moment that sensors detect a hairline crack anywhere in the aircraft, microscopic nano- capsules containing a high-tech adhesive would be released to seal the fissure.
当传感器检测到飞机在任何时候的一个裂痕时,包含高科技粘合剂的微观纳米胶囊将释放粘合裂痕。 yeeyan

The pattern usually begins with a receding hairline and may progress to bald spots on the top of the scalp.
这一过程往往是从高额发缘的出现而开始的,进而发展为秃顶。 yeeyan

The line should be continuously straight all around the head, behind the ears, at the hairline and on sideburns.
这条线应该是环绕脑袋的一条直线,包括耳后、发际线和鬓角部位。 yeeyan

This statement piece is worn on the front hairline secured by a clear wire headband that is easily disguised by the wearer's hair.
这个饱受议论的玩意儿被佩戴在发际线前,由一根明显的束发带固定在头上,发带很容易隐藏在佩戴者的头发里。 yeeyan

Touch her face, hairline, temples, eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks and mouth with your fingertips and mouth.
用指尖和双唇去抚摸她的脸庞、发际线、额角、眉梢、眼帘、双颊和口唇。 yeeyan

Whenever there’s a nick or hairline crack in an insulation sheath, the electrical field in the underlying copper subtly shifts.
在绝缘套上只要出现缺口或者毛细裂缝,线缆里的铜周围的电场就会轻微改变。 yeeyan

You may have heard the term hairline fracture. This is a single fracture that is very small, like the width of a hair.
你可能听过“骨裂”这个术语,这是一种裂缝如头发般宽的单处骨折。 hjenglish




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